and I appreciate that,” said Marc. “Back when Ruger revolvers were not so scarce, I built about a dozen or so of these using the 7-shot .357 Magnums with the Ruger GP100 ‘Wiley Clapp’ frames sporting the Novak Lo Mount rear sight. They were and...
作为一个狂热的Smith&Wesson左轮手枪手,我不得不将与Ruger GP100的恋情暴露在公众视野之外的时间长达20年,但随后的几十年中,我向您保证,当我Ransom休息了您在这里看到的那把时,它就开始了。那是在'85或'86早期。 著录项 来源 《Combat Handguns》 |2009年第1期|60-62|共3页 作者 Wiley Clapp; ...
S&W 640 Pro,617-6 6", Ruger Sp101 22lr, and Ruger Wiley Clapp Gp100 for sale FTF in.. nsl GUNS - For Sale or Trade 5 08-15-2014 03:25 PM WTT: Ruger Mark II 50th Anniversary and Ruger .22 Standard Automatic Pistol G-Mac GUNS - For Sale or Trade 2 06-08-2014 04:13 PM ...