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We need to chat about the action on this gun. From personal experience I can tell you it’s tough to get a truly smooth, seamless DA trigger pull on a Ruger DA revolver. I can do it on anS&W, well enough to bring tears to the eyes of a revolver fan, but that sort of thing ha...
Significantly decrease the trigger pull on your Ruger SP101 / GP100 by approximately ~50%! Eliminate side-to-side play in the hammer and trigger for enhanced stability. Experience a smooth and crisp action. Compatible with SP101 / GP100 calibers, including .357 Mag, .38 Spl, .327 Mag, ...
Adjustable trigger. Very well-priced for what is offered. Cons None for the price. 2 Savage Arms 110 Hunter – Best Affordable Rifle for Ruger 204 Savage Arms produces some very well-priced firearms. Their 110 Hunter family of rifles come in a variety of calibers. So, here are details of...
case, weather, old eyes and that pesky trigger played roles in keeping things a bit loose. Like any self-respecting handgunner, I was excited when the news broke Ruger would be introducing two new revolvers. After finding one of these wheelguns would be a GP100 in .44 Special, and the...
One downside of the SR22 is its trigger. The single-action has an inch or more of take-up, so it’s a hard break. For the double-action, it has the feel of what you would expect from a double-action trigger. It has a long and hard break with a full reset. ...
While no one I know would recommend the .22LR caliber as adequate for self defense, given a choice, the Semi-auto 10/22 is fast handling, low recoil and fast firing. I can easily empty a ten round magazine in a 4″ circle or smaller as fast as I can manipulate the trigger at defe...
fit the Mark II, III, IV and 22/45 Pistol Trigger Pivot Pin(Ruger # A03400 and KA03400) Trigger Shims Our Trigger Shim Pak Assortments BELOW are as follows; 2 Pak comes in .002" 4 Pak comes with 2 each .002" and .003" 6 Pak comes with 2 each .002", .003" and .004...