it took two different models of Rugers to do that. We know about the 5-shot SP101 series, but the GP100 line of revolvers was introduced at the same time as the SPs. The GPs were the larger-framed, six-shot guns (for the most part,...
Or, if you need something a little smaller, how about the Ruger LC9s, the Ruger GP100 Revolver 357 Magnum, the Ruger American Pistol, the Ruger SP101, the Ruger Security-9, or the Ruger Mark IV 2245 Lite? Or, if you need some accessories, how about our thoughts on the Best Scopes...
This strength has repaid the company with many, many guns sold over the years. From the original Blackhawk to the Super Blackhawk to the Security Six. The Redhawk to theRuger GP100to the Super Redhawk. You get it. Ruger is the largest gun manufacturer in the U.S., and it shows â€...
Looking for more quality firearms from Ruger? Then check out our in-depth reviews of theBest Ruger Mini 14 Mini 30, ourRuger Blackhawk Elite Review, ourRuger GP100 Revolver 357 Magnum Review, ourRuger AR556 Review, and ourRuger LC9S Review. You may also be interested in our reviews of t...
Significantly decrease the trigger pull on your Ruger SP101 / GP100 by approximately ~50%! Eliminate side-to-side play in the hammer and trigger for enhanced stability. Experience a smooth and crisp action. Compatible with SP101 / GP100 calibers, including .357 Mag, .38 Spl, .327 Mag, ...
The GP-100 was built in such a way that continuous use of .357 Magnum ammo would not shoot it loose prematurely. (Most shooters who own.357 Magnum revolverspractice with the cheaper, less-powerful .38 Special cartridge. This is easier on both the gun and the shooter). The built-like-...