Or, if you need some accessories, how about our thoughts on the Best Scopes for Ruger 10/22, the Best Ruger LCP IWB Holsters, the Best Ruger AR-556 Scopes, the Best Ruger Security 9 Holsters, the Best IWB Holster for Ruger LC9, or even our general review of the Best Varmint Scope ...
it took two different models of Rugers to do that. We know about the 5-shot SP101 series, but the GP100 line of revolvers was introduced at the same time as the SPs. The GPs were the larger-framed, six-shot guns (for the most part,...
Welcome to Rugerfirearmsusa.com, where you can buy brand new Ruger firearms online an we get it shipped to your FFL dealer in no time. Check out our Ruger firearms for sale online at our store including Ruger rifles, Ruger pistols and revolvers all avail
However, if you’re seated in a car for long periods, an OWB cross-draw holster allows for rapid access. For a great selection, check out our in-depthBest Cross Draw Holsters Reviews. And for women… Suppose you’re a woman and don’t want to carry the revolver in a belt. That bei...
The company is into rimfires in a big way. In addition to semi-auto pistols, they build several rimfire revolvers ranging in price from the $200 Wrangler to the $800-plus GP-100. This is only counting handguns. If we look at rifles, that would require a new, lengthier review. Suffic...