S&W 640 Pro,617-6 6", Ruger Sp101 22lr, and Ruger Wiley Clapp Gp100 for sale FTF in.. nsl GUNS - For Sale or Trade 5 08-15-2014 03:25 PM WTT: Ruger Mark II 50th Anniversary and Ruger .22 Standard Automatic Pistol G-Mac GUNS - For Sale or Trade 2 06-08-2014 04:13 PM ...
I can`t count the thousands of rounds that have passed through this gun, but it is remarkable. When the ammo was too expensive for me to take out my other guns for a day of plinking, a brick of .22LR never broke the bank. It digested any crappy ammo I fed it, and I am hard ...
Instruction Manual for Ruger New Model Single-Six, Bisley, and Hunter Single Action Revolvers Instruction Manual for Ruger Vaquero and Bisley Vaquero Single Action Revolvers Instruction Manual for Ruger Old Army "Cap and Ball" Black Powder Precussion Revolver Instruction Manual for Ruger GP100 Double...