Ruger® GP100® double-action revolvers are among the most comfortable shooting revolvers.Triple-locking cylinder is locked into the frame at the front, rear and bottom for more positive alignment and dependable operation shot after shot. Grip frame design easily accommodates a wide variety of...
The rifle is a great small game getter. Rabbit, squirrel and other animals to perhaps the 35-pound class may be taken cleanly with the .22 Long Rifle and a well-designed load such as theFiocchiCPHP (Copper plated hollow point) orWinchesterSuper X. A good shot with a steady hand might ...
I installed this kit in my Old Ruger Standard Pistol ( 1958, not mark I ) and it transformed it from a plinker, to a full blown target shooter, capable of 1/2" 3 shot groups at 30 yards. People don't believe it until they see it shoot. Amazing kit and very little gunsmithing ...
7. Remington Golden Bullet Bullet Style: Hollow Point Bullet Weight: 36 Grains Muzzle Energy: 131 Muzzle Velocity: 1280 F/S Remington offers the most reliable 22 LR ammo, and these are the best for plinking and small game. You experience less FTF and rejection problems with these than some...