Model: 1790 Caliber: 357 Mag Capacity: 6 Grips: Cushioned Rubber with Hardwood Insert Barrel Length: 2.50" Availability: Limited Availability Spec Sheet Buy Now Ruger® GP100® double-action revolvers are among the most comfortable shooting revolvers.Triple...
Or, if you need something a little smaller, how about the Ruger LC9s, the Ruger GP100 Revolver 357 Magnum, the Ruger American Pistol, the Ruger SP101, the Ruger Security-9, or the Ruger Mark IV 2245 Lite? Or, if you need some accessories, how about our thoughts on the Best Scopes...
The GP-100 was built in such a way that continuous use of .357 Magnum ammo would not shoot it loose prematurely. (Most shooters who own.357 Magnum revolverspractice with the cheaper, less-powerful .38 Special cartridge. This is easier on both the gun and the shooter). The built-like-a...
Ruger 44 Magnum Pistols, Ruger 9 Millimeter Pistols, Ruger 9mm Pistols, Ruger Compact Pistols, Ruger L C R Pistols, Ruger Lc9 Pistols, Ruger Lcp 380 Pistols, Ruger Lcr Pistols, Ruger Mark 1 Pistols, Ruger Mark 2 Pistols, Ruger Mark 3 Pistols, Ruger New Pistols, Ruger P95 Pistols, Ruger...
Like any self-respecting handgunner, I was excited when the news broke Ruger would be introducing two new revolvers. After finding one of these wheelguns would be a GP100 in .44 Special, and the other a Redhawk 8-shot .357 Magnum, I immediately ordered b
Ruger 77/44 Magnum & Ruger M77 Gunsite Scout Rifle 308 BOTH TRADED LOCALLY!!TheShootist1894GUNS - For Sale or Trade012-30-201401:32 PM S&W 640 Pro,617-6 6", Ruger Sp101 22lr, and Ruger Wiley Clapp Gp100 for sale FTF in..nslGUNS - For Sale or Trade508-15-201403:25 PM ...