(4.76)383 reviews Write a review 383 review(s) 7 Questions Install Video $19.95 IN STOCK Retail:$29.95 You Save: $10.00(33.4%) What Caliber is your Firearm?: About This Item Achieve a smoother trigger pull, reducing it from the stock DA ~10lbs to a modified DA ~5.5lbs and a modifie...
通过在Ruger GP100上安装一条导轨和一个其他武器使用的护木,将看起来非常古典的转轮打造为一支“太空牛仔转轮手枪”。 要改造一支有趣的转轮,选好一支转轮手枪作为基底是很关键的问题。武器的顶部需要安装导轨,而且还要挂载一个科幻的护木,势必不能选择太短的转轮手枪。在经过考量和观察后,制作者选择了Ruger GP100和...
Ruger GP100 Revolver gun(ID:948718)机械设备 / 非标机械 / Ruger GP100 Revolver gun ©非原创 44 0 0 平面图 3D视图 文件列表举报此图纸下载需要80金币 立即下载 发布者 曾经的天空 创作: 113440 粉丝: 114 加入时间:2022-11-10 私信 关注 模型信息 图纸格式:igs,sldprt,step 文件大小:52.46M 所...
Speaking of double action, the DA on this GP doesn’t stack particularly, but it wants to stage. I found myself struggling a bit to pull straight through without staging. But when I did, the GP performed splendidly. The results, particularly for someone who has shot primarily M1911s for ...
The crane and cylinder assembly of the GP100 revolver locks directly into the frame, both at the rear of the cylinder and at the front of the crane. The ejector rod on the Ruger GP100 serves only as an ejector - it does not rotate with the cylinder. ...
Ruger Gp100 作者:Jesse Russell/Ronald Cohn 出版社:Book on Demand Ltd. ISBN:9785511729510 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 Ruger Gp100的书评 ···(全部 0 条) 论坛· ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言...
分享 爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的枪-手枪-左轮手枪-鲁格-GP100 Ruger, 本站编号39881935, 该高清图库素材大小为438k, 分辨率为2560 x 1440, 作者为Pfujimoto, 更多精彩高清图库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 枪手枪左轮手枪鲁格GP100粗纱机 感兴趣。 找...
After my experience with Suck & Wesson with their terrible model 629, I bought a ruger GP 100 for half the price of the 629 and have had nothing but awesomeness from it. Att: Smith & Wesson get your act together, fix that 629 and send it back to me so I can finally shoot the ...
3d溜溜网CAD图纸素材集:为广大设计师们提供Ruger-GP100左轮手枪(.357万能6英寸)cad图纸下载,文件大小:26.85MB,软件版本:SOLIDWORKS 2020,文件格式:igs,sldprt,step,素材维度:3D,高清图纸素材下载,就上3d溜溜网!
Maximum boogy: morphing Ruger's uncommon GP100 into an extraordinary gorilla gunMike CumpstonAmerican Handgunner