This week’s subject is a Wiley Clapp special edition 3″ Ruger GP100. The GP100 is Ruger’s heavy-duty medium frame .357 Magnum revolver. It replaced the much-loved Security-Six in much the way that S&W supplanted their K-Frames with the slightly stronger L-Frames. ...
Ruger 44 Magnum Pistols, Ruger 9 Millimeter Pistols, Ruger 9mm Pistols, Ruger Compact Pistols, Ruger L C R Pistols, Ruger Lc9 Pistols, Ruger Lcp 380 Pistols, Ruger Lcr Pistols, Ruger Mark 1 Pistols, Ruger Mark 2 Pistols, Ruger Mark 3 Pistols, Ruger New Pistols, Ruger P95 Pistols, Ruger...
The GP100 is a family/line of double action revolvers made by Ruger, manufactured in the United States of America, and in production since 1985. The GP100s are 6-shot design, and all-steel construction. # The GP100 is manufactured in .357 Magnum, .38 Special and .327 Federal Magnum ...
The Ruger GP100 double-action revolver is specifically designed for heavy Magnum cartridges and embodies many features found in the famous Ruger Redhawk and Security-Six revolvers. The GP100 is the first of an entirely new generation of Ruger double action revolvers. The Ruger GP100 is a mediu...
There are several options when converting either the .357 Magnum Flat-Top or Old Model to larger calibers. Forget either the .44 or .41 Magnum as the frame and cylinder are simply too small for safety. Suitable conversions, in addition to .44 Special, are .41 Special, .38-40, .44-40...
Redhawk~? revolver was Ruger's first double-action revolver specifically designed for the powerful .44 Magnum, and now .45 Colt, cartridges. With an all-stainless steel construction, it includes many advanced features, such as a triple-locking cylinder, unique single spring mechanism for ...
“I started building this particular 7-shot .357 magnum configuration about four years ago using the Ruger GP100, their model 01780 to be precise, in 10mm Auto. I also use theRugermodel 01774, a 7-shot .357 Magnum,” Marc continued. ...
Built just like, yup … a tank, the Ruger GP100 .357 Magnum has made a lot of friends over the decades. Just a few years ago Ruger came out with their Match Champion version. It had most of the barrel lug removed to lighten the front and help it track faster between multiple targets...
Super GP100® Competition Revolver in .357 Magnum 10/22® Competition Rifle With Natural Brown Laminate Stock SR1911® Competition Pistol With Hogue® Piranha G10 Grip Panels 10/22® Competition Rifle With Speckled Black/Gray Laminate StockFAQ...
Model: 1790 Caliber: 357 Mag Capacity: 6 Grips: Cushioned Rubber with Hardwood Insert Barrel Length: 2.50" Availability: Limited Availability Spec Sheet Buy Now Ruger® GP100® double-action revolvers are among the most comfortable shooting revolvers.Triple...