SALE Ruger EC9s, LC9s, LC9 9mm 9 Round Extended Magazine $39.99 $34.99 Out of stock SALE Ruger Mark IV 22/45 .22 LR 10 Round Magazine (2 Pack) $51.99 $36.99 Out of stock Ruger P89, P95 9mm 15 Round Magazine $29.99 Out of stock Ruger LCP MAX .380 ACP 12 Round Magazi...
If you are looking for a 15-or-so round 9mm pistol and are on a budget, there are several guns out there that fill that requirement. This Ruger, the newStoeger STR-9,Walther’s PPQ,Taurus G3(or G3c with extended magazine) and others. If you are able to go up a bit in price, ...