For the ultimate compact version, a ruger charger dropped into a folding stock (nfa) would be a pretty handy variant. The good news is we don’t have to settle on just one rifle if we prepare now. Reply john asays: January 29, 2012 at 8:37 am I have been thinking about this for...
First off, let me say that I really enjoyed the Ruger Charger. It was fun to shoot and easy to carry around, since there was no buttstock to get in the way. (Having said that, you could attach a brace – the mount is there). With dual-magazine capability (Ruger and Glock), you ...
Used the bull barrel stock on my charger. 10" bull barrel. Binary trigger. Suppressed. My new favorite. $1.25 mag dump. Cool looking. Not expensive to build or shoot. Liked this stock so much I bought the mini14 A-Team model. Stainless stock is solid. Easy install. Planning a blued ...