由于UltraISO 无法刻录大于 4GB 的系统镜像文件()而 win10 的 ISO 文件默认大都大于4GB。解决这个问题,我们需要使用下面这个软件来实现 Rufus 该软件是替代UltraISO的最佳方案之一,简单易用(轻松创建 U 盘启动盘)是官方给出的标语。而且该软件支持中文,界面清晰,可以轻易看懂制作流程。 Create bootable USB drives t...
Create DOS bootable USB drives, usingFreeDOSor MS-DOS (Windows 8.1 or earlier) Create BIOS or UEFI bootable drives, includingUEFI bootable NTFS Create bootable drives from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, etc.) Create bootable drives from bootable disk images, including compressed ones CreateWindows ...
Windows Bootable USB Creator:Windows Bootable USB Creator是一款用于创建Windows启动盘的工具,可以将Windows ISO文件写入USB驱动器并将其转换为可引导的USB驱动器,以便在计算机上安装Windows操作系统 。如果您需要创建Windows启动盘,可以尝试使用Windows Bootable USB Creator。 大番茄U盘启动盘制作工具:这是一款非常好用的...
The Media Creation Tool allows you to create your own bootable USB and detect compatible software to download the latest iOS image from Windows 10. FeaturesIt does not slow down the system. It has a user-friendly interface. It automatically creates a bootable USB. It can detect your ...
制作启动U盘 (Create a Bootable USB Drive) 制作启动U盘是安装操作系统的关键步骤。以下是使用不同工具制作启动U盘的方法。 1. 使用Rufus工具 (Using Rufus) Rufus是一款流行的免费工具,可以帮助用户轻松制作启动U盘。 步骤: 下载并安装Rufus。 插入U盘,启动Rufus。
Rufus is a small piece of software that will help you create a bootable USB from an ISO so you can install an operating system. It is quite simple to use and has all the options you will need, whether you are installing a new Linux distro or your preferred version of Windows. Best ...
制作U盘启动盘 Create a USB Bootable Drive 制作U盘启动盘是重装系统的第一步。我们可以使用一些工具来完成这项工作,常用的工具有Rufus、UltraISO等。以下以Rufus为例进行说明。 下载Rufus Download Rufus 首先,访问Rufus的官方网站,下载最新版本的Rufus软件。下载完成后,双击运行Rufus。
most popular bootable USB creation tool on earth. When your computer is crashed or could not boot into Windows, then Rufus will be in great help as it is able to create a bootable USB for OS installation in a super easy way. You might be wondering can I use Rufus on a Mac computer?
Bootable Drive Creation:Creates bootable USB drives from ISO files, allowing you to install operating systems or run diagnostic tools. Downloadable ISOs (Optional):Can downloadWindows 8.1,Windows 10, andWindows 11ISOs directly from Microsoft servers (requires PowerShell 3.0+). ...
If Rufus is getting stopped by your antivirus, turning it off for a while can allow Rufus to do its job on the USB drive. But don’t forget to turn it back on when you’ve finished creating your bootable USB drive. Also see:How to let an app through the Firewall in Windows 11 ...