2 Rufus 还非常快,比如,在从ISO镜像创建 Windows 7 USB安装盘的时候,他比 UNetbootin,Universal USB Installer 或者 Windows 7 USB download tool 大约快2倍。当然,在创建 Linux 可引导USB设备的时候也比较快。3 下载操作系统的 ISO 镜像文件将准备制作的U盘插到电脑上,并备份好 U 盘的资料,下面的操作将...
官方给了一个数据,是在Windows 7 x64 Core 2 duo / 4 GB RAM平台上进行,具有USB 3.0控制器和16 GB USB 3.0 ADATA S102闪存驱动器。镜像文件en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_618240.iso Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool v1.0.30 00:08:10Universal USB Installer v1.8.7.5 00...
I've been using Rufus for a while now to create bootable USB drives for various operating systems and utility software. It's been a reliable tool, but recently I've encountered some limit... Reasoner985The Media Creation Tool is a powerful utility from Microsoft designed to simplify the pr...
哦,对了,Rufus 还 非常快,比如,在从ISO镜像创建 Windows 7 USB安装盘的时候,他比 UNetbootin,Universal USB Installer 或者 Windows 7 USB download tool 大约快2倍。当然,在创建 Linux 可引导USB设备的时候也比较快。页面下方也粗略列举了一些 Rufus 支持的ISO镜像。
此外,用户还可以设置快速格式化模式,创建扩展标签和图标文件,以及使用ISO或各种其他磁盘映像类型创建可引导磁盘,软件还有一个很大的特点是速度极快,跟同类软件相比如Windows7 USB Download tool、UNetbootin等大约能快2倍,可以说速度还是很给力的,有需要的朋友欢迎下载体验。
Rufus is a free, portable and open-source utility that you can use tocreate bootable USB flash drives. Rufus is small in size, but it surprisingly has everything you need as far as the above are concerned. That is why it is the most popular bootable USB creation tool on earth. When ...
USB安装盘的时候,比 UNetbootin,Universal USB Installer 或者 Windows 7-11 USB download tool 大约...
Pete Batard initially launchedRufusin 2011 as a free open-source DOS bootable USB flash drive utility, replacing the WindowsHP USB Disk Storage Format Tool(HUDSFT). Several updates for theproductivitytool appeared over the years, with 2020 seeing a modern, more stable release than before. The ...
Rufus 免费开源的 USB 安装启动盘制作工具 Rufus 除了免费、开源、体积小之外,它的一大特点就是「速度极快」!根据官方宣称,Rufus 在制作 USB 启动盘时速度相比同类软件 Windows 7 USB Download tool、UNetbootin、Universal USB Installer 等大约能快2倍,速度绝对给力。