Who is Rudy Steiner in The Book Thief? The Book ThiefContext InThe Book Thief, a young German girl named Liesel is adopted by the Hubermann family right before World War II. The family decides to hide a Jewish friend named Max in their basement, despite the risk that it poses to them....
2016-12-19 01:42:5219:56249 所属专辑:The Book Thief (完) 声音简介 二战大背景中小人物的故事。一个爱读书的小女孩,战争恐惧中的德国平民,濒死挣扎的犹太难民,一个冰冷的死亡之音。 改编的电影也同样精彩。 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑...
首页>外语>The Book Thief(《偷书贼》英文完整版,由 Allan Corduner朗读)> Part Five 7--Three Acts of Stupidity by Rudy Steiner[鲁迪·斯丹纳干的三件蠢事]Part Five 7--Three Acts of Stupidity by Rudy Steiner[鲁迪·斯丹纳干的三件蠢事]