Though crime was already falling in the second half of Dinkins’ tenure, that trend rapidly accelerated under Giuliani. During his eight years in office, violent crime was cut roughly in half and murders went down an astounding 67 percent. A believer in the so-called “broken windows” theory...
Michal Kranz
Does Rudy Giuliani drink alcohol?: Not Known He was born in an Italian-American enclave in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. He was born as the only child of working-class parents. His parents were 1st-generation Americans and were children of Italian immigrants. His father, Harold Ang...
Mr. Giuliani’s trouble in hiring a lawyer mirrored Mr. Trump’s own difficulties attracting a top law firm to represent him as the probe by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, dragged into a second year. That difficulty — and Mr. Trump’s desire for a more vocal representative...
GIULIANI: The second part -- the second part of it -- the last part of it, the -- the retainer agreement was to repay expenses, which turns out to have included this one to the woman that you saw on Saturday Night Live last night, trying to make more money and now our ND...
"It's not a crime," Giuliani said Friday. "I know that's very hard for people to understand, but it's not a federal crime."My, how Bohemian of the Republican front-runner. I wonder how the billionaire Fascist dogs will like that?
After early successes as a crime-busting mayor, Giuliani became deeply unpopular during a disastrous second term, as his successes were overshadowed by outrage over police brutality and racism. By 2001, his personal life was in shambles, too. While his wife and children slept in Gracie Mansion,...
We Quit! Giuliani and Edwards Stand Aside; (1) Dejected: Rudy Giuliani, Watched by His Wife Judith, Concedes Defeat. He Will Drop out of the White House Race and Endorse Florida Winner John McCain (2) True Love: John Edwards and His Wife Elizabeth, Who Has Breast Cancer. Barack Obama ...
t be a side hustle. second, no one outside of giuliani actually thought that the mueller case was going to wrap up in two weeks, or even a month. perhaps giuliani’s former bosses would even have granted him a sabbatical, and then allowed him back, if the words coming out of his ...
Giuliani's claims about himself.Unfortunately very few mainstream media outlets will take up that invitation. Although cable channels and newspapers devote endless amounts of space and time to consider the authenticity of Mrs. Clinton's laughter, (and her cleavage) they seem unable to cover an ...