cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, waist bag, trolley bag, handbags, wallets and so on. We have around 200 workers in our factory now. Our monthly production capacity is around 200,000pcs basic backpack. Our factory have passed factory audi...
cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, waist bag, trolley bag, handbags, wallets and so on. We have around 200 workers in our factory now. Our monthly production capacity is around 200,000pcs basic backpack. Our factory have passed factory audit lik...
our range of products includes fashion bag, vogue handbag, trend shoulder bag, travel bag, backpack, laptop bag, sport bag, messenger bag, cooler bag, mountainneering bag etc.In more past years , we have successfully delivered our products...
our range of products includes fashion bag, vogue handbag, trend shoulder bag, travel bag, backpack, laptop bag, sport bag, messenger bag, cooler bag, mountainneering bag etc.In more past years , we have successfully delivered our products...
Bafang Outdoor Products, Outdoor bag,Bicycle Bags,Day pack,Backpack,Cooler bag,Dry bag Manufacturer in Quanzhou, supply you top quality bags at competitive price.
cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, waist bag, trolley bag, handbags, wallets and so on. We have around 200 workers in our factory now. Our monthly production capacity is around 200,000pcs basic backpack. Our factory have passed factory audit like BSCI, DISNEY...
cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, waist bag, trolley bag, handbags, wallets and so on. We have around 200 workers in our factory now. Our monthly production capacity is around 200,000pcs basic backpack. Our factory have passed fact...
our range of products includes fashion bag, vogue handbag, trend shoulder bag, travel bag, backpack, laptop bag, sport bag, messenger bag, cooler bag, mountainneering bag etc.In more past years , we have successfully delivered our products to ...
cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, waist bag, trolley bag, handbags, wallets and so on. We have around 200 workers in our factory now. Our monthly production capacity is around 200,000pcs basic backpack. Our factory have passed factory audit ...
cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, waist bag, trolley bag, handbags, wallets and so on. We have around 200 workers in our factory now. Our monthly production capacity is around 200,000pcs basic backpack. Our factory have passed factory audit like BSCI,AVON,I...