鲁奇尔·夏尔马(Ruchir Sharma)作为摩根士丹利全球战略部总监,管理着超过200亿美元的资产,他还是全球各大报纸期刊的长期专栏作家。在经济金融领域,他是当之无愧的世界级权威专家。近日,他在为英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)撰写的一篇文章中感慨,普京已经将俄罗斯打造成为了一座坚不可摧的富有堡垒。夏尔马写道:...
CIO, Financial Times editor, and chairman of Rockefeller International, Ruchir Sharma, discusses his new book, “What Went Wrong with Capitalism”
A century of expanding government has distorted financial markets, stoked massive inequality, and soaked America in debt. Capitalism didn’t fail, it was ruined... What went wrong with capitalism? Ruchir Sharma’s account is not like any you will have heard before. He says progressives are ri...
Ruchir Sharma is Chairman of Rockefeller International. In this role, Ruchir serves as an advisor to the firm, a resource to our Rockefeller Global Family Office advisors and clients, and as a global brand ambassador for our international activities. Prior to joining the firm, he worked for 25...