使用 match 方法返回的 MatchData 对象,我们可以通过索引来访问匹配到的结果。在这个例子中,我们可以通过索引 0 来访问完整的匹配结果。 matched_string=match_result[0] 1. 完整示例代码 string="Hello, World!"regex=/\w+/match_result=string.match(regex)matched_string=match_result[0]puts"原始字符串:#{s...
static boolean matchers(String regex, CharSequence input); 1. 该方法用以检查regex是否匹配整个CharSequence类型的input参数。编译后的Pattern对象还提供了split()方法,它从匹配了regex的地方分割输入字符串,返回分割后的子字符串String数组。 通过调用Pattern.matcher()方法,并传入一个字符串参数,我们得到了一个Matc...
puts( /.*?at/.match('The cat sat on the mat!') ) #=> returns: The cat 7.字符串中的方法 a) =~ 和match: 用法同Regexp. b) String.scan(pattern):尽可能多的去匹配,并把第一个匹配添加到数组中. TESTSTR = "abc is not cba" b = /[abc]/.match( TESTSTR ) #=> MatchData: "a...
puts( /.*?at/.match('The cat sat on the mat!') ) #=> returns: The cat 7.字符串中的方法 a) =~ 和match: 用法同Regexp. b) String.scan(pattern):尽可能多的去匹配,并把第一个匹配添加到数组中. TESTSTR = "abc is not cba" b = /[abc]/.match( TESTSTR ) #=> MatchData: "a...
RubyRegex:如何匹配(命名)方括号内的组? 、、、 我正在尝试用Ruby编写一个regex来解析各种日期/时间格式。整个正则表达式如下所示:我使用命名组,这样我就可以使用“年”、“月”、“日”等简单名称从match对象中获取匹配的部分。这个正则表达式工作得很好,但让我们关注一下最后的“偏移量”: (?在前两种情...
regex=/world/match_data=regex.match("Hello, world!")puts match_data.inspect# 输出: #<MatchData "world" 1:nil> 替换操作 使用String#gsub方法全局替换匹配的子串。 string="Hello, world!"new_string=string.gsub(/world/,'Dolly')puts new_string# 输出: Hello, Dolly!
100) === 7 /something/ === some_string # good something.is_a?(Array) (1..100).include?(7) some_string.match?(/something/) Note With direct subclasses of BasicObject, using is_a? is not an option since BasicObject doesn’t provide that method (it’s defined in Object). In ...
each match. We expect no practical problems to arise because this memory allocation is usually delayed, and a normal Regexp match should consume at most 10 times as much memory as the input length. If you run out of memory when matching Regexps in a real-world application, please report ...
each match. We expect no practical problems to arise because this memory allocation is usually delayed, and a normal Regexp match should consume at most 10 times as much memory as the input length. If you run out of memory when matching Regexps in a real-world application, please report ...