SketchUpAPI与Ruby脚本编程 在上一节中,我们介绍了如何在SketchUp中安装和配置Ruby开发环境。接下来,我们将深入探讨SketchUpAPI(ApplicationProgrammingInterface)与Ruby脚本编程的原理和内容。通过本节的学习,您将能够理解如何利用SketchUpAPI进行二次开发,以及如何编写有效的Ruby脚本来实现各种城市建模任务。
SketchUp二次开发实践二次开发实践 9.理解理解SketchUp的的API SketchUp的API,即ApplicationProgrammingInterface,是SketchUp提供给开发者的一套工具和规 范,用于扩展软件的功能。SketchUp的API主要基于Ruby语言,这是因为Ruby的简洁性和易读 性,使得开发者能够快速上手并进行高效开发。 9.1API的核心功能的核心功能 •模型...
SketchUp开放了一整套强大的插件开发接口,使用Ruby进行封装,借助于Ruby强大的表达能力,可以为SketchUp开发出各种增强和辅助插件,使设计师在进行3D智能推荐Window中Ruby开发环境搭建 Window中Ruby开发环境搭建 Ruby,一种简单快捷的面向对象(面向对象程序设计)脚本语言, 是一种类似于 Python 和 Perl 的脚本语言。在20世纪...
Tutorials: You don't know any programming? No problem, because SketchUp is the coolest opportunity to get started and it's super easy with the famous "Try Ruby" interactive tutorial that is included with this extension. Autocompletion and doc tooltips: Intelligent live autocompletion tells you ...
Ruby, along with its framework, Ruby on Rails (“Rails”), is an incredibly efficient, high-level back-end programming language—a big draw for start-ups and small development teams that need to get complex, heavy-traffic applications up and running in a short time. Rails lightens the work...
Today, the language boasts an enormous global online community of "Rubyists" that uses it for everything from NASA simulations and the Metasploit security framework to Google SketchUp’s macro scripting API and web applications like Basecamp and A List Apart. The following list of developers ...
Today, the language boasts an enormous global online community of "Rubyists" that uses it for everything from NASA simulations and the Metasploit security framework to Google SketchUp’s macro scripting API and web applications like Basecamp and A List Apart. The following list of developers ...
I guess you have abstracted window.location = "skp:callbackname" and sketchup.callbackname() in a function. Very good!But otherwise, string replacement is very error-prone, and needs all kinds of escaping if you wanted to use it for the general case....
sketchup如何使用ruby V-Ray 3对于SketchUp 2017 Final来说,它是用于照明,阴影和渲染的最完整的软件,所有艺术家都可以使用速度和简单性。最新版本提供了一组强大的技术优势和对开源技术的支持。适用于SketchUp 2017的V-Ray适用于3ds Max的V-Ray是Chaos Gruop的主要开发,使用户可以快速轻松地创建逼真的图像,同时为...
Simulations for a Motorola research group, As a micro scripting API for Google SketchUp, As a means of implementing the reactive control for the Siemens service robot at the MORPHA project, and As the sole programming language used to develop the project-management website known as Basecamp. R...