SketchUpAPI与Ruby脚本编程 在上一节中,我们介绍了如何在SketchUp中安装和配置Ruby开发环境。接下来,我们将深入探讨SketchUpAPI(ApplicationProgrammingInterface)与Ruby脚本编程的原理和内容。通过本节的学习,您将能够理解如何利用SketchUpAPI进行二次开发,以及如何编写有效的Ruby脚本来实现各种城市建模任务。
在开始SketchUp的二次开发之前,首先需要安装SketchUp软件和相关的开发工具。SketchUp是一 款广泛用于建筑、室内设计、景观设计等领域的3D建模软件,其二次开发主要通过Ruby语言实 现。 1.下载与安装下载与安装SketchUp ◦访问SketchUp官方网站,根据你的操作系统(Windows或Mac)选择合适的版本 ...
什么?你导入的模型很怪异,超级大??不是超级小?连根草都比你的房子大?看看本文,保证你没有这方面的烦恼啦^^ 1、新建SketchUp工程的时候,选择工程单位为Meter(米),如果不是米,则在Tools -> Model Info -> Unit内将Format修改为Decimal : Meters 即可。
Tutorials: You don't know any programming? No problem, because SketchUp is the coolest opportunity to get started and it's super easy with the famous "Try Ruby" interactive tutorial that is included with this extension. Autocompletion and doc tooltips: Intelligent live autocompletion tells you ...
SketchUp Animation Illustration See more $50/hr$50 hourly See more $75/hr$75 hourly 4.5/5 (29 jobs) See more $60/hr$60 hourly 5.0/5 (12 jobs) Ruby Apache Solr NoSQL Database Mobile App Development API Twitter/X Bootstrap Linux System Administration ...
Today, the language boasts an enormous global online community of "Rubyists" that uses it for everything from NASA simulations and the Metasploit security framework to Google SketchUp’s macro scripting API and web applications like Basecamp and A List Apart. The following list of developers ...
SketchUp插件可视化开发工具SketchUp Ruby Code Editor RubyCcode Editor是一个所见即所得的代码编写工具,在JIM基础上编写的可视化Ruby执行和编写对话框插件,增加了很多在线的资源以及常用的插件语言的编辑和即时插入执行的功能,美国特纳公司也采用本编程检测工具。官方网站。 SketchUp Ruby ruby 代码编写 所见即所得 ...
Simulations for a Motorola research group, As a micro scripting API for Google SketchUp, As a means of implementing the reactive control for the Siemens service robot at the MORPHA project, and As the sole programming language used to develop the project-management website known as Basecamp. R...
SketchUp.gitignore Add gitignore for sketchup backup files. Jan 19, 2012 Smalltalk.gitignore Merge pull request github#2027 from rejurime/dolphin-smalltalk Nov 24, 2018 Stella.gitignore Capitalise initial letter in template filenames for consistency/sorting Jan 7, 2015 SugarCRM.gitignore ensure the...
Google Sketchup 37signals GitHub Shopify Indiegogo ThemeForest Popularity According to theRuby website, it is ranked among the top 10 on most popular programming languages worldwide (such as the TIOBE index). Much of the growth is attributed to the popularity of software written in Ruby, particula...