We are an innovative web and app development company committed to helping entrepreneurs achieve their startup dream through high-quality tech products.
Ruby on Rails is a software development environment that is built with and uses the object-oriented programming language Ruby, with the overall aim of making programmers' jobs both more fun and more productive. The programming language Ruby has been around since 1993. Initially popular in Japan,...
Ruby on Rails Chowbus 2016 年起步于芝加哥,是一个致力于颠覆北美中小型餐厅用餐体验的平台,可以理解为在北美的美团/饿了么,被 Andreessen Horowitz 列入 2020 年美国 “Marketplce 100” 榜单,成为美国增长极快的网上交易平台之一,员工将近500人,公司今年年初正式来国内组建研发团队,中国的研发中心正在招募大量资深...
Lesser Spotted SQL for Rails 7 (and MySQL) I recently migrated a Rails 4 application to Rails 7. On the whole it wasn’t too bad but today I was trying to add a child table to the data schema – a simple create_table… When I attempted to “db:migrate” I got an error: $ rai...
Ruby on Rails Ruby reactjs docker deployment 凯业必达信息技术(上海)有限公司是美国最大的网络招聘公司之一CareerBuilder在中国设立的技术支持和研发机构。在全球具有超过1400多家的合作伙伴。其中包括MSN, AOL,和超过120家新闻媒体机构。 Temporary Position (looking for working for few months but potentially convert...
Ruby on Rails and Elixir software development services You may be interested in our tech stack, but as well you may be not at all.Both are OK. For now, let us just tell you that we rule at a popular and established web development technology calledRuby on Rails, as well as the next...
Find jobs using Ruby on Rails by building for Shopify merchants Fall in love with your craft all over again by joining the Shopify Partner Program. Build web apps for entrepreneurs to improve your craft and their business. Implement the staple programming language into your apps and create soluti...
Hire Ruby on Rails Developers. RORBits is Top Ruby on Rails Development Agency that offers expert ROR Developers on a monthly basis.
Gera-IT developed the whole project using Ruby on Rails. I worked with the CTO at the beginning to set the scope, articulate the use case, and brainstorm ideas. They managed the whole process from design to development, including the UI/UX. ...
Developer demand for Ruby and Rails remain high, but the specific ways both language and framework shine (or don't) are crucial to know Credit: Thinkstock The Ruby language and the Ruby on Rails framework remain major forces in the world of computing through both their existing broad bases...