Hello, We are currently seeking a skilled Ruby on Rails developer to assist us with our project. We anticipate a significant workload for this particular project and would greatly appreciate assistance in building various components. The tasks will invol
rails new LokaliseWebhooksDemo This is going to create an application skeleton for you. Open yourGemfileand modify it in the following way: group:developmentdogem'sqlite3','~> 1.4'endgroup:productiondogem'pg','~> 1.0'endgem'ruby-lokalise-api','~> 6.0' ...
databases:-name:mysitedatabaseName:mysiteuser:mysiteplan:freeservices:-type:webname:mysiteruntime:rubyplan:freebuildCommand:"./bin/render-build.sh"# preDeployCommand: "bundle exec rails db:migrate" # preDeployCommand only available on paid instance typesstartCommand:"bundle exec rails server"envVar...
config.serve_static_assets:让 Rails 伺服静态资源文件。默认值为true,但在生产环境中为false,因为应该使用服务器软件(例如 Nginx 或 Apache)伺服静态资源文件。 如果测试程序,或者在生产环境中使用 WEBrick(极力不推荐),应该设为true,否则无法使用页面缓存,请求public文件夹中的文件时也会经由 Rails 处理。 config.s...
然而,近几年来,曾经如日中天的 TypeScript,接连受挫,遭到各个社区与应用的摒弃。前有 Svelte 创建者 Rich Harris 选择从 TypeScript 转向 JavaScript 和 JSDoc,今有 Ruby on Rails 的创建 DHH 在多平台发布声明,宣布「再见了,TypeScript!」 这也让众人深感好奇,TypeScript 怎么就成为了开发者眼中“不值得”的...
当开发人员经常谈论的一站式服务的内容管理系统(CMS), Flagship Docs经常在他们的名单里名列前茅。对于程序员来说这是一个在Ruby On Rails上构建最好的CMS。它是干净的,简要且非常容易使用。个体户、小型企业、企业或大型组织,任何人都可以使用Flagship Docs CMS。
rails -v 7.安装node.js和yarn,创建rails项目时需要。 7.1官网地址: https://nodejs.org/en/ https://classic.yarnpkg.com/zh-Hans/docs/install/#windows-stable 先装node.js 再装yarn 安装位置自己指定。个人习惯只改前面的盘符 图4.png 图4需要勾选,其余默认即可。
In this article you'll learn how to create a Gantt chart with a Ruby on Rails backend. For implementing this app we'll use Ruby 2.4.1, Rails 5.1.3 and MySQL. This tutorial assumes that you have all prerequisites already installed. Otherwise please visit the official tutorials first....
If you’ve found a bug in Ruby on Rails, this is the place to start. You’ll need to create a (free) GitHub account in order to either submit an issue, comment on them or create pull requests. Bugs in the most recent released version of Ruby on Rails are likely to get the most...
bin/rake docs:generate JWT 续期与 Refresh Token jwt 时间短,使用频率高,有标准,不安全,容易被盗。 refresh jwt 时间长,使用频率低,自己控制。 实现后端接口 大概步骤,比如 get /api/v1/tags 1. 创建 model 运行 db:migrate 建模工具:bin/rails g model user email:string name:string ...