Released as open-source in July 2004, Ruby on Rails (or, as commonly abbreviated, RoR) has become one of the most effective frameworks forbuilding great custom apps. Being both flexible and powerful, it’s getting even more popular among developers, no matter if they arejust rookies or expe...
作为Ruby on Rails在国内互联网商业应用的吃螃蟹者,笔者希望能够和大家分享使用Ruby on Rails在Web网站开发和维护当中的经历和感受。Ruby on Rails奇迹Ruby on Rails是近两年来Web应用开发领域的一个奇迹,这个诞生于2004年7月的Web开发框架在短短两年多时间内已经成为引领Web应用革命的旗手,在软件开发领域掀起了无数...
Explore what is Ruby on Rails and its key principles. Read on to know the advantages, responsibilities & salary of ROR developer and its future.
<% Configuration conf = new Configuration(); URI uri = new URI("hdfs://192.168....
Ruby on Rails Developer Semi Senior Full time Tesote Technologies, Inc Medellín (Hybrid) Feb 06 Software Developer Engineer Senior Full time Talana Remote (Chile) Feb 04 DevOps Engineer con Harness.IO Senior Full time Leniolabs_ Remote (5 locations) Feb 04 Back-end Developer Semi ...
In this tutorial, we will use a simple Ruby file but you could also create a Rails app that would scrape a site and save the data to a database. Static page scraping Let's start with what Kimurai considers bare minimum: a class with options for the scraper and a parse method: class...
When calling #errors those i18n value objects are converted to strings using the configured/detected I18n backend (Rails or ruby-i18n). In this README, instead of i18n values English strings are provided for brevity: array = Datacaster.schema { array } array.(nil) # In this README # =>...