Ruby on Rails - Resources Ruby on Rails - Discussion You need to have a basic knowledge of Ruby and object-oriented programming to understand this tutorial. In addition, you need to be familiar with internet and websites programming in general. ...
Since its initial publication in 2010, the Ruby on Rails Tutorial has been one of the leading introductions to web development. In this bestselling tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop and deploy real, industrial-strength web applications with Ruby on Rails, the open-source web framework that...
This tutorial should’ve given you a basic overview of what a REST API is and how you can leverage it in your Ruby on Rails apps. You should now have some basic knowledge of how to fetch data from a web service. We recommend you play around with different APIs offered at RapidAPI. R...
刚接触 Rails。对于 Ruby 来说相对较新。遵循 教程第 3 章。 本教程已更新为使用 ruby 2.0.0 和 Rails 4.0.0.rc1。以前,gemfile 指定 Rails 3.2.13,而不指定 Ruby 版本。在迁移到教程中的最新 Gemfile、ruby 2.0.0 和 Rails 4.0.0.rc1 后,运行 Rails 命令时出现...
ruby rails 入门 ruby on rails tutorial (接上一篇,今天的目标是把第二章结束~~加油) [size=medium]2.3 Microposts资源[/size] 在生成和探索了Users资源之后,让我们转过来看看另一个相关资源——Microposts。 在这一节中,我建议对比一下2个资源中相似的元素。你会看到2个资源之间会有很多地方都是相同的。
Ruby on Rails Tutorial 作者:Michael Hartl 出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional 副标题:Learn Web Development with Rails 出版年:2012-8-6 页数:600 定价:USD 44.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780321832054 豆瓣评分 9.4 118人评价 5星 59.3% 4星 34.7% 3星...
最近比较闲,想学习ruby on rails 于是找到了https://www.railstutorial.org上的首推教程《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》 屏幕快照 2016-05-29 上午11.04.20.png 这本书第一章和第二章讲了2个基本demo,实在没啥意思,姑且略过. 从第三章开始到第十二章是从0到1实现了一个类似Twitter的简单社交网站(首页,登录注册...
云端开发环境,Cloud9(。这个开发环境预先安装好了Rails开发所需要的大多数软件,包括Ruby、RubyGems和Git,需要自己安装Rails。 1、安装rails:$gem install rails -v 4.1.6 2、创建项目:$rails _4.1.6_ new hello_app hello_app的目录结构如下所示: ...
RailsTutorial-笔记4-Ruby基础 demo4 simple-app 2 (Rails背后的Ruby) 源码为demo3的demo4分支 布局文件 # app/views/layouts/application.html.erb<%= stylesheet_link_tag"application", media:"all","data-turbolinks-track"=>true%># 调用函数时可以省略括号stylesheet_link_tag('application', media:'all'...