OS: Windows 10 64 Bit 1. 下载和安装Ruby 推荐使用https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/上下载的Windows一键安装包:) 安装包路径(64位): https://dl.bintray.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/rubyinstaller-2.3.3-x64.exe 安装包路径(32位):https://dl.bintray.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/rubyinstaller-2.3....
1 打开浏览器在搜索栏里面输入: https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ 进入到 Ruby 官网地址进行下载, 选择 32bit 或 64 bit 点击下载 2 双击打开下载好的 Ruby.exe 点击: 运行 3 选择: 我接受许可, 之后点击: Next 4 选择默认安装目录或自定义安装目录, 之后点击: Install 5 点击: Next 6 使用 msys2 ...
ruby windows64 位安装包: window系统下,使用 RubyInstaller 来安装 Ruby 环境。下载地址为:请点击这里下载。 1、点击Next向导,进行安装。 点击Next向导进行安装,当到达出现有三个向导复选框的时候。要把Add Ruby executables to your PATH选项勾上。否则需要自己去配置环境变量,并且是每次开机都要进行配置环境变量才...
图文并茂:windows 安装 Ruby环境全过程 打开浏览器在搜索栏里面输入:https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ 进入到 Ruby 官网地址进行下载, 选择 32bit 或 64 bit 点击下载 双击打开下载好的 Ruby.exe 点击:运行 选择:我接受许可, 之后点击: Next 选择默认安装目录或自定义安装目录, 之后点击:Install 点击:Next ...
Windows versions: Currently RubyInstaller explicitly supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 in both 32 and 64-bit flavors. Binary packages for Windows: The binary packages for Windows found onruby-lang.orglack several key components, such as OpenSSL, Zlib and Readline, whi...
rubyinstaller-devkit-2.7.1-1-x64.exe windows 64位安装包,官网下载巨慢,下载不易, 上传者:smcnjyddx0623时间:2020-12-06 rubyinstaller-devkit-2.6.5-1-x64.7z If you don’t know what version to install and you’re getting started with Ruby, we recommend you use Ruby+Devkit 2.6.X (x64)...
To install RubyGems on Windows, follow these steps: Download and install RubyInstaller from the [official website]( Choose the version that matches your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). During the installation, make sure to check the option “Add Ruby executables to your PATH” to en...
rubyinstaller-devkit-2.4.4-2-x64.exe,windows系统下的ruby安装环境 上传者:qq563129582时间:2018-08-08 rubyinstaller-devkit-2.6.3-1-x64.zip 由于国内访问ruby官网的下载链接很迷,所以上传了这个带devkit的ruby安装包。 上传者:burnian时间:2019-10-27 ...
Windows 7 sp1 64bit 1. install ruby latest version for windows, 2.0.0-p481 x64 http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ support that installer folder: c:\ruby add to path: set path=%path%;c:\ruby 2. install devkit same site as pervious,http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ ...
bit x86 ruby and MSYS2 version | | "x64" => 64 bit x86_64 version | | "arm" => ARM64 version | '--- "x.x.x" => ruby version to build | "head" => latest development snapshot of ruby '--- "ri" => RubyInstaller without Devkit "ri-msys" => RubyInstaller with MSYS2 bas...