从GitHub上的调试分支安装和编辑Ruby gem的步骤如下: 1. 首先,确保你已经安装了Ruby环境和RubyGems工具。你可以在Ruby官方网站上下载并安装Ruby,安装完成后,RubyG...
其中,gem_name是要安装的gem包的名称,github_username/repo_name是gem包的GitHub仓库地址,branch_name是要安装的分支名称。 执行以下命令安装gem包: 代码语言:txt 复制 bundle install 该命令会根据Gemfile中的配置,从GitHub的指定分支下载并安装gem包及其依赖项。
gem install mongo 1. 获取最简单 Jekyll 模板并生成静态页面 需要的环境搭建好了之后,就是获取最简单 Jekyll 模板并生成静态页面、 安装jekyll gem install jekyll 1. 等待下载完成… 切换到你需要下载模板到那里的目录的上一级 我这里的目录是G:\Github\myBlog,我想把模板下载到myBlog目录下。 切换的G:\Github...
Fetching: bson-4.2.1.gem (100%)ERROR: Error installing mongo:The ‘bson’ native gem requires installed build tools.Please update your PATH to include build tools or download the DevKitfrom ‘http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads’ and follow the instructionsat ‘http://github.com/oneclick/ruby...
gem install gems Documentation https://rdoc.info/gems/gems Usage Examples require'rubygems'require'gems'# Return some basic information about rails.Gems.info'rails'# Return some basic information about rails version 7.0.6.Gems::V2.info'rails','7.0.6'# Return an array of active gems that ma...
Client gem for interacting with theCloudFoundry UAA server For documentation see:https://rubygems.org/gems/cf-uaa-lib Install from rubygems Build from source Use the gem Create a UAA client that allows users to authenticate with username/password and allow client application to useopenidscope to...
1, Rubygem类似于Java里maven的角色,就是一个库管理工具,可以远程下载和安装Ruby库。 有时候碰到安装时说下载源找不到地址,所以进行了gem源更新1, gem sources -l #查看gem安装时的下载源在哪里,比如我本机的是http://xxxxrepo:3030/, 一个无效的地址,所以我试图install 工具时总会报错。 2, gem ...
--- :github: Bearer TOKEN To install gems, you need to authenticate to GitHub Packages by updating your gem sources to include https://USERNAME:TOKEN@rubygems.pkg.github.com/NAMESPACE/. You must replace: USERNAME with your GitHub username. TOKEN with your personal access token (classic). ...
执行bundle install 方案二(未验证): gem install execjs gem install therubyracer sudo apt-get install nodejs 不难看出,实际上这里是缺少这两个gem 到这里,一切都ok了,执行rails server,发现服务起来了,然后按照指导手册上在浏览器上面输入:这里就奇怪了为什么本机是127.0.0.0,不管,先试试),...
由于国内网络原因(你懂得),导致http://rubygems.org存放在Amazon S3上面的资源间歇连接失败,所以你会遇到gem install rails 半天没反应的情况。 所以,淘宝网做了rubygems 镜像。 首先替换sources gem sources --remove http://rubygems.org/ gem sources -a http://ruby.taobao.org/ ...