"Programming languages must feel natural to programmers." "I tried to make people enjoy programming and concentrate on the fun and creative part of programming when they use Ruby." "For me the purpose of life is partly to have joy. Programmers often feel joy when they can concentrate on the...
THE PRAGMATIC PROGRAMMERS http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com 符号约定 Notation Conventions 在本书中,我们使用如下排版符号。 代码样例使用等宽字体显示。 class SampleCode def run #... end end 在正文中,Fred#do_something是对Fred类的实例方法(这里是do_something)的引用,Fred.new是一个类方法,而 Fred::EO...
本系列文章,源自大神Jamis Buck名著《Mazes for Programmers》,机翻+手纠,错漏之处,请朋友们不吝赐教。 全书由前言、正文14章、两个附录构成,分成17个部分,预计8月31日前完成初稿。 2024年春节前完成修订,同时改为Python语言实现。 文章涉及代码存放于 gitee.com/luzhaohong/ma 引言 迷宫无处不在。在生活中的...
Ruby is designed to be infinitely flexible and empowering for programmers. It allows Ruby on Rails to do lots of little tricks to make an elegant web framework. This can feel even magical at times, but the flexibility can also cause some problems. For example, the same magic that makes Rub...
This Ruby style guide recommends best practices so that real-world Ruby programmers can write code that can be maintained by other real-world Ruby programmers. A style guide that reflects real-world usage gets used, while a style guide that holds to an ideal that has been rejected by the pe...
Python and Ruby share many similarities, and this can make it difficult for beginner programmers to decide which language to study. For example, both are high-level, server-side scripting languages. Both can be used for web applications and work on multiple platforms. Additionally, both Ruby and...
Explore what is Ruby on Rails and its key principles. Read on to know the advantages, responsibilities & salary of ROR developer and its future.
Practicing Ruby - Delightful lessons for dedicated programmers. Ruby5 - The latest news in the Ruby and Rails community. Ruby Bookmarks - Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection. RubyDaily - Community driven news. RubyFlow - Ruby Programming Community Link Blog. Ruby Rouges - Weekly panel ...
This tutorial covers all key information from basic to advanced concepts related to Ruby scripting languages, which is useful for both aspiring and experienced programmers, web developers especially those who work with Ruby on Rails, Full-Stack Developers, also for Startups and Entrepreneurs as it ...
Using step-by-step examples and real world applications, the Ruby Developer's Guide is designed for programmers and developer's looking to embrace the object-oriented features and functionality of this robust programming language. Readers will learn how to develop, implement, organize and deploy ...