《Ruby's Worry 露比的烦恼》取材于小读者们的生活,文字和故事情节简单易懂,而珀西瓦尔继续采用了图像和色彩的搭配运用,表达了烦恼所造成的阴影和负面效果,小读者们很容易理解到他所要传达的信息,并和自己的感受结合起来。因此,在未来的日子里,当他们遇到类似的情景时,相信他们一定会想起露比和她的烦恼,从而采取正...
Ruby Finds a Worry(机器翻译:Ruby感到担忧)作者:Robert D. Zettle 出版社:Wiley-Blackwell ISBN(13位):9781338726954 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:32 市场价:¥ 59.9装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 平装 九成新 ¥ 18.30 ¥ 16.10 0 有货通知
所属专辑:闹妈绘本朗读(英文) 声音简介 这本绘本让孩子认识焦虑,学会排解焦虑,真的是非常精妙! 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 闹妈育儿 253102132 简介:纽约大学管理学硕士毕业 两个女宝宝的妈妈 寓教于乐 TA的专辑 更多 英文经典童谣儿歌 磨耳朵 ...
Don't Worry About Message IDs:mail = Mail.new do to 'you@test.lindsaar.net' body 'Some simple body' end mail.to_s =~ /Message\-ID: <[\d\w_]+@.+.mail/ #=> 27Mail will automatically add a Message-ID field if it is missing and give it a unique, random Message-ID along ...
Post.find_by(title: "Introducing Mobility") #=> finds post with English title "Introducing Mobility"If you want more fine-grained control over your queries, you can alternatively pass a block to the query method and call attribute names from the block scope to build Arel predicates:...
Suzanne finds inspiration from all around her and sees her experimenting with odd items around the house to create different effects – whether it be toys, packaging or even kitchen utensils. “Sometimes it works,” she said. “But sometimes it creates total disasters.” ...
checks its neighbors and calls itself (without changing the label) on the neighbors if their values are -1 too. When none of the neighbors’ values are -1, the loop will stop until the main loop finds another -1-pixel. If that happens, the label gets increased by 1 and thelabel_recur...
a blonde foreign woman, while taking photographs in a park. Eventually their paths cross again once he finds out, coincidentally, Teresa is an exchange student at his local high school. Oh, she also happens to be living right next door to his coffee shop while staying in Japan. Talk about...
language." Peter Cooper Editor of Ruby Weekly "The authors' excellent work and meticulous attention to detail continues in this lat- est update; this book remains an outstanding reference for the beginning Ruby pro- grammer—as well as the seasoned developer who needs a quick refresh on Ruby....
There are a few obsoleted syntax emails that it will have problems with, but it also is quite robust, meaning, if it finds something it doesn't understand it will not crash, instead, it will skip the problem and keep parsing. In the case of a header it doesn't understand, it will ...