SBA for Group interaction and individual HKDSE SBA Assessment Criteria for Group Interaction and for Individual Presentation. (n.d). Retrieved July 12, 2010 from Project Rubrics 常識科(n.d.):專題研習報告的評估,...
The purposes of the study were to develop two rubrics (written report and presentation) for a selected hospitality course; to implement rubrics as an assessment tool for an individual student class project; and to administer a student self-reported survey to gain their feedback. The study ...
Not only do rubrics lead to better equality in assessment, but it gives you standard that will help you understand exactly what you are looking for in the quality of work. That can even be translated to students to help them achieve that higher standard. You might want to give it a try...
An authentic assessment usually includes a task for students to perform and a rubric by which their performance on the task will be evaluated. Examples Geometry History Earth Science Health English Fine Arts You want to install new carpet and a baseboard in you room, but you need to know how...
This means the focus of learning in the workplace is on action and doing, on the acquisition of work-placed specialised knowledge, on competence development and on individual performance. In this environment the main responsibility for learning, for improving performance, rests with ...