The words you use when writing your essay are very important and you should, therefore, strive to use them correctly to gain high marks for your essays. Don’t use words repetitively as this makes your text plain and boring. You should instead replace words with their synonyms to make your...
Language Use The writer uses conditional statements and questions using if and auxiliary verbs would, will, might, must, can, could, should. (Ex: if you do this, you will...) The writer uses a variety of sentence structures. The writing has been edited for grammar, capitalization, punctuat...
6 =Essay demonstrates excellent composition skills including a clear and thought-provoking thesis, appropriate and effective organization, lively and convincing supporting materials, effective diction and sentence skills, and perfect or near perfect mechanics including spelling and punctuation. The writing per...
Making a case for college: A genre-based college admission essay intervention for underserved high school students A significant percentage of students who attend secondary schools in the United States do not acquire the basic writing skills required to gain admission t... JS Early,MD Costa - 《...
For example, when writing a how-to book, students should decide what skill they wish to teach and then break the skill down into steps. For a persuasive essay, students should decide on a viewpoint and gather details to support that claim. To practice this trait, try: Brainstorming with ...
How Should Teachers Contact a Student's Parents or Guardians? Best Farewell Speech for Students by Teacher How to Be an Effective Substitute Teacher How to Be an Organized Teacher
Looking for an excellent textbook for teaching academic writing to ESL or EFL students?Stop looking right now and go buy this:Great Writing 4: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays. It’s an ideal introduction to writing an essay for high intermediate to advanced level English students. In my...
They can be helpful for both students and teachers to understand the progress made in reaching objectives. How do you write a grading rubric? Before writing a grading rubric, teachers should state what the purpose of the rubric is. They should list the grading criteria and performance ratings,...
you'll get a 0 on your essay. Otherwise, your essay scoring is done bytwo graders- each one grades you ona scale of 1-4 in Reading, Analysis, and Writing, for a total essay score out of 8 in each of those three areas. But how do these graders assign your writing a numerical grad...
For example, writing assignments. Let's say you have 17 writing assignments that you need to grade, with each assignment being 7-8 pages long. How would you go about grading them? It would be a matter of teacher opinion, rather than grading on an accurate and more thorough scale, which...