3×3 魔方公式(3 x 3 Rubik's cube formula) Here to introduce a relatively simple Rubik's cube six surface reduction method. With this technique, you can restore the Rubik's cube in about 30 seconds in about six seconds. Before the introduction of the reduction method, first of all, ...
给力词典为您提供魔方公式的英文翻译,魔方公式的读音,拼音 [mó fāng gōng shì] 魔方公式翻译:魔方公式的英文 Rubik´s cube formula,魔方公式也可以翻译为 CFOP,还可以用 R U´ R; UFUF 表示魔方公式。 以上是给力词典详细汇总的魔方公式的翻译,还可以查询包
1. Learn Rubik’s Cube algorithms 2. Make a cross on the white face 3. Complete the white face 4. Solve the second row 5. Create a yellow cross 6. Solve the yellow face 7. Solve the remaining corners 8. Solve the final edges 1. Learn Rubik’s Cube algorithms The simplest way to...