下载Rubik-Black 字体文件到电脑桌面,下载成功您可获得对应字体的ttf文件或otf文件,使用电脑在字体图标上点击鼠标右键或者双击字体文件,选择点击【安装】即可安装;或者将下载的字体文件(例:Rubik-Black.ttf)复制到“C:/Windows/Fonts”文件夹,也会自动安装。
Rubik Black Black Italic | 634 Glyphs Font Information Google Creative Lab approached Hubert & Fischer to design a typeface for the branding of the Rubik’s Cube Exhibition ”Beyond Rubik’s Cube“ at the Liberty Science Center, Jersey City. They designed a slightly rounded heavyweight font in ...
Rubik Black Rubik BlackVersion 2.000 字体家族:Rubik 授权方式:商用须授权 文件格式:TTF 字体风格:Black 嵌入授权:安装嵌入 文件大小:135.9K 购买授权 字号 字高 字宽 重置 72pt 48pt 36pt 24pt 18pt 16pt 14pt 12pt 字体主要参数 字体全称:Rubik Black...
统一字体标识: 2.000;UKWN;Rubik-Black 字体全名: Rubik Black 版本: Version 2.000 PostScript名称: Rubik-Black 制造商信息: Hubert & Fischer 设计师: Hubert and Fischer 供应商网址: http://www.google.com/fonts 设计师网址: http://www.hubertfischer.com 许可证描述: This Font Software is licensed ...
字体全名:Rubik Black 版本:Version 2.102 PostScript名称:Rubik-Black 制造商信息:Hubert & Fischer 设计师:Hubert and Fischer 供应商网址:http://www.google.com/fonts 设计师网址:http://www.hubertfischer.com 许可证描述:This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This...
Rubik Black Italic free Font - Sans-Serif Modern - What Font Is - Download Rubik Black Italic Font - Bold, rounded, and italic with a modern style. - Sans-
字体全名:Rubik Black 版本:Version 2.002 PostScript名称:Rubik-Black 制造商信息:Hubert & Fischer 设计师:Hubert and Fischer 供应商网址:http://www.google.com/fonts 设计师网址:http://www.hubertfischer.com 许可证描述:This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This...
The font was expanded to include Cyrillic and Hebrew characters for the exhibition, which will travel internationally. Downloads: 1,017,045 Uploaded on: September 11, 2015 Designed by: Hubert & Fischer Classification: Sans Serif Tags: Black, Bold, Light, Soft Heritage: http://hubertfischer...
Rubik Black Version 2.000 font (Font family name: Rubik Black; Font style name: Regular), 248 characters in total. Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,Latin Extended-A,Spacing Modifier Letters,General Punctuation,Superscripts and
下载Rubik-BlackItalic 字体文件到电脑桌面,下载成功您可获得对应字体的ttf文件或otf文件,使用电脑在字体图标上点击鼠标右键或者双击字体文件,选择点击【安装】即可安装;或者将下载的字体文件(例:Rubik-BlackItalic.ttf)复制到“C:/Windows/Fonts”文件夹,也会自动安装。【苹果 Mac 系统安装字体方法】方法一、下载 Rubik...