铷Rubidium Mod 铷( Rubidium)这款模组是钠的非官方 Forge 版,有着原版钠的所有功能。该MOD不会和 OptiFine 兼容,但是你可以用 Oculus 来装光影。 铷Rubidium Mod 模组下载 适用版本 1.19.1 1.18.1 1.16.5 下载地址赞 0 赏 分享 发表评论 1,619 views A+...
Despite the name, Rubidium Extra is being developed for Embeddium (for the sole reason that it is faster to update). I have no desire to do a complete rebranding, Rubidium compatibility is still a priority, but sometimes you may need to download an older version of Rubidium Extra for the ...
Rubidium is an Unofficial Fork of CaffeineMC's "Sodium", made to work with Forge Mod Loader. - Asek3/Rubidium
Better Sodium Video Settings ButtonUnofficial Forge Port. This mod changes back the 'Video Options' button to it's original state. To access the Rubidium Video settings go to the Video settings and press Rubidium video settings.
Rubidium purification: Via a single chemical column and its isotope measurement on geological standard materials by MC-ICP-MSA choromotagraphic procedure for Rb, K, Ba and Sr one-by-one separation from geological materials has been developed by using a single-column with packing Sr-spec resin,...
A novel procedure for Rubidium separation and its isotope measurements on geological samples by MC-ICP-MSJinlong Ma