Background: Rubella continues to be a leading cause of vaccine-preventable congenital birth defects and permanent organ damage, especially in developing countries. For women who are infected with the rubella virus (RV) before conception or during the first trimester of pregnancy, the unborn child ...
Rubella infection occurring just before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy may result in miscarriage, fetal death, premature delivery and constellation of severe birth defects called Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) [1, 2, 4, 5] in up to 90% of infections [6]; though, ...
Although rubella is a clinically mild illness, primary rubella virus infection in early pregnancy can result in congenital rubella syndrome, which has serious medical and public health consequences. The name rubella is derived from the Latin word rubellus, the diminutive for red (ie, little red) ...
Rubella can result in some detrimental results including miscarriage, fetal death, and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) when infection with the virus occurs in early pregnancy, particularly during the first 16 weeks among non-immunized women [3, 4]. Fortunately, rubella is a vaccine-preventable ...
Rubella is usually a self-limited illness; however, rubella infection during early pregnancy can result in miscarriage, fetal death or the combination of disabilities known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), characterized by sensorineural hearing impairment, cataracts, cardiac defects, and/or damage ...
infectedespeciallyduringthefirsttrimesterofpregnancy.RubellaHIVandhepatitisC.Thefindingswerenegative. canbetransmittedthroughthecentaandcanresultinfetaldeathorThetestingmethodsappliedwereFDA-approvedorclearedompliance maycauseseveremalformationstothefetus,commonlysummarizedaswiththeEuropeanDirective98/79/EC,AnnexII,ListA...
WHO interim guidance on pregnancy management in the context of Zika virus infection The Lancet Global Health, Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, pp. e510-e511 Olufemi T Oladapo,…, A Metin Gülmezoglu View PDF Early child development programmes: further evidence for action The Lancet Global Health, Vo...
Rubella virus (RV), which causes low fever and mild rash, is the only member of the genus Rubivirus in the family Togaviridae. RV is one of the most potent teratogenic agents. Over 80% of congenital infections that occur in the first trimester of pregnancy lead to fetal death or ...
In 2017, approximately 11000 people died from measles1, whilst 105,000 cases of Congenital Rubella Syndrome - associated with lifelong disability (including deafness, cataracts, cardiac defects and mental retardation) in a child following infection acquired by its mother during pregnancy – occurred in...
Consequences of confirmed maternal rubella at successive stages of pregnancy. Over a thousand women with confirmed rubella infection at different stages of pregnancy were followed up prospectively. Two-thirds of the women were multiparous. Pregnancy continued in 40%, and the infants were followed up ...