Experts suggest 13 things to clean with rubbing alcohol around the house and explain why it works effectively to banish bacteria and shine surfaces
The smell of rubbing alcohol frequently lingers in the air even after all traces of the chemical are gone. Open the doors to all of the rooms in your home. This allows the smell to disperse and become less potent. Open a window to increase ventilation and use a fan to speed up the re...
Rubbing alcohol works well to clean things and to kill bacteria. But did you know that you can also use it to get rid of stains and to feel better after surgery? Learn some uncommon ways to use rubbing alcohol and some you should avoid.
Though not perfect for every cleaning job (hello, washing dishes), rubbing alcohol is a fairly cheap and relatively environmentally-friendly solution to some tough cleaning challenges. Most people keep a bottle of the stuff in the bathroom, and if you don't it would behoove you to stock up ...
DIY solutions are the best! Today we're going to take you through all of the amazing uses for rubbing alcohol when cleaning around the house.
How to stop shoes rubbing, smelling, hurting, and causing blisters. Click here for top tips from Cosmopolitan UK, like how to break in your new shoes.