NVIDIA RTX Voice is a new plugin that leverages NVIDIA RTX GPUs and their AI capabilities to remove distracting background noise from your broadcasts, voice chats, and remote video conferencing meetings. This allows users to "go live" or join a meeting without having to worry about unwanted so...
rtx voice点降噪 未响应 分享347 显卡吧 西湖醉月 未来传家宝RTX6080Ti 1280G 显存1280GB位宽503052bit DDR9000S 360pin+240pin 核电高压百万伏供电 芯片厂商NVIDIA GeForce RTX 6080Ti 工艺0.01纳米 代号GX9566-K8X 频率7886980/678509MHz CUDA核心5935842个 最大分辨率1987680×2364320 蓝光2400K Kudan采用与RTX...
【NVIDIA晒最新RTX显卡家族:1.3万4090领衔 你买谁?】从NVIDIA官网展示细节看,目前的显卡家族包含了RTX 40系列和RTX30系列,罗列出来的都是接下来要服役的主力显卡。具体来说包含了:RTX 4090、4080;RTX 3080...