版本:1.20.80 BetterRTX官方:https://github.com/BetterRTX/BetterRTX-Installer/releases 需要IObit解锁工具 Defined PBR:https://mcpedl.com/defined-pbr-an-rtx-resource-pack/发现《Minecraft Java pre-1.6 calm2》 游戏 单机游戏 沙盒游戏 我的世界 演示 像素风 MCBE...
Vanilla RTX is a PBR resource pack for Minecraft RTX that provides quality PBR maps & fog configurations on top of vanilla game without altering vanilla experience.
Lusrmm 勇者生存 4 解决的方法是在上面MCPE DL的页面下载那个zip文件,解压后把里面的五个文件拖到%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\resource_packs\NVIDIAPBRP里,注意不要覆盖,这里是把缺失的贴图补回去。 9楼2021-04-08 20:22 收起回复 ...
MCPE-98717Render error in RTX Beta Resolved MCPE-98771I dont really know what is happening when i use a RTX texture pack Resolved MCPE-99072RTX problem Resolved MCPE-99187Screen issue when rtx on Resolved MCPE-99393my screen is not loading correctly ...
Vanilla RTX GitHub Repository, A PBR Resource Pack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition: Vanilla Resources Made Available for Minecraft RTX - Cubeir/Vanilla-RTX
版本:1.20.80 BetterRTX官方:https://github.com/BetterRTX/BetterRTX-Installer/releases 需要IObit解锁工具 Defined PBR:https://mcpedl.com/defined-pbr-an-rtx-resource-pack/ 展开更多发现《Minecraft Java pre-1.6 calm2》 游戏 单机游戏 沙盒游戏 我的世界 演示 像素风 MCBE...
& EULA https://rtx.addonsmcpe.website/eula.html DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their re...
Shader resource packs contain ultra-realistic multicraft textures and are compatible with this RTX add-on. Install this add-on to your Multicraft world with one touch! Some of the features of our Realistic Shader - Best shader mod for mcpe - Compatible with all versions - Ultra realistic 4k ...
resource pack apart is its integration with ray tracing technology. Ray tracing simulates the behavior of light in a highly realistic manner, resulting in breathtaking lighting and shadows. With ray tracing enabled, the Paper Cut-Out resource pack comes to life, enhancing every detail and creating...
note is that currently due to a bug it is impossible for any RTX resource pack to make Candles emit any light as they don't accept PBR textures, so for now all you can do to help fix this is upvote the bug report I created for it here: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-132021...