a. 注意:如果 MCC 无法自动定位 Java 版世界文件夹,它将首先显示如下界面。使用右上角“Minecraft Java world folder”(Minecraft Java 版世界文件夹)旁边的文件夹图标,定位到文件夹位置(例如,C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\WorldName\),然后按后续提示操作,直到您返回如下所示的转换界面 6....
继续下方的MCC Tool Chest步骤将删除区块后的Java世界转换成基岩世界 MCC Tool Chest Conversion:最后一步 更新并准备好Java世界后,现在可以打开MCC Tool Chest(基岩版)开始转换成Windows 10版基岩世界了。请注意,转换开始后将没有办法转回去了,所以开始前确保你的所有Java世界和基岩世界文件都备份好了。 安装并打开M...
通过我们将Java版世界转换为Windows 10基岩版世界的非官方指南,为使用RTX版《我的世界》做好准备,另外你还可以通过PBR纹理和光线追踪技术对其进行增强。
注意:如果 MCC 无法自动定位 Java 版世界文件夹,它将首先显示如下界面。使用右上角“Minecraft Java world folder”(Minecraft Java 版世界文件夹)旁边的文件夹图标,定位到文件夹位置(例如,C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\WorldName\),然后按后续提示操作,直到您返回如下所示的转换界面 6. 保...
A popular Java Edition world converted to Windows 10, this amazing futuristic city is a sight to behold. True to its name, lights of all colors exhibit per-pixel emissivity made possible by real-time ray tracing. Elysium Fire, known for their incredible time-lapse videos on YouTube, have ...
The Ultimate in Ray Tracing and AI,光线追踪与 Ai。图 3-2,RTX 50 Series Laptops The ...
Update (2020.09.24):@booner_kexplained why VK_KHR_ray_tracing is not listed: It’s currently provisional, which means it’s not permitted in release drivers until official release. - Device 1 - name: GeForce RTX 2070 - device type: VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRET...
Minecraftplayers will be able to see the game in a whole new light this week: Real-time ray tracing will come to its blocky worlds through a public beta on April 16, Nvidia andMinecraftdeveloper Mojangannounced Tuesday. Known as “Minecraftwith RTX,” following the naming scheme ofNvidia’s...
Have you ever wanted to use raytracing with the vanilla textures? Then this texture pack could be something for you! Vanilla RTX is a vanilla based RTX texture pack with PBR support. Release Trailer: Nether Update Trailer: More gameplay: ...
Although not exactly RTX support, this pack is still admirably amazing as the creator of this pack dedicated so many hours to replicate the look of Ray tracing on Minecraft. What is RTX Ray Tracing Pack For Java 1.17.1 This resource pack was designed and created by the pack maker that go...