NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card prices start at €1,999, just€50 more than MSRP(or the highly sought-after Founders Edition model). InSpain, these cards are selling at a lower price (€1,899) but have been sold out. Now, the price has increased by €60 to €1,959. ...
vastly improved resolutions while gaming (4k ultra) as well as accelerated content creation by handling DaVinci Resolve 4k video with ease, drastically reducing my workload. BestBuy had it a the MSRP at a time when the price for the RTX 4090 has been increasing so...
Style: GeForce RTX 4090 GAMING OC 24GVerified Purchase Works as expected. Big price tag. Huge gpu, well built good quality. Runs BO6 at about 500fps, Black Ops 1200 ish. Cooling fans hardly ever run but it is in a computer that has about 11 fans already. Very large gaming computer ca...
在本次NVIDIA的40 SUPER发布会后,微星也公开了4070 SUPER、4070 Ti SUPER、4080 SUPER的产品售价。在这之中,唯一的超龙型号就是4080 SUPER,而这张4080 SUPER 超龙的首发价格居然仅有8999,比公版8099的MSRP只贵了900元,相较半代前的产品4080超龙更是降低了3000元。相较友商近万元的4080 SUPER旗舰显卡,4080 SUPER...
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Custom Model From Gigabyte Listed: Windforce 3X, Gaming OC & AORUS Flavors In The Works Update:Australian retailers have also started listing the Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4090 lineup with their preliminary prices which should not be taken as the final MSRP or price. Australian...
当然科技的进步不单单是性能的提升,也有在几乎相同性能下成本更低,从而让售价更低,而 iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Neptune OC 16GB 显卡显然属于第二种情况, MSRP 比 RTX 4080 便宜了 200 美元,换算成人民币的话便宜了 1400 元,这个幅度可以说相当地优惠。毕竟大家都知道,摩尔定律除了晶体管数量提升之外,也包...
That's why it is very important to not show US prices only in an international site like TPU. Plus this is nVidia's greedy MSRP 4090 MSRP (around 2200$) in Japan. bubbleawsome Joined Feb 21, 2014 Messages 1,394 (0.35/day) Location Alabama, USA ...
当然科技的进步不单单是性能的提升,也有在几乎相同性能下成本更低,从而让售价更低,而iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Neptune OC 16GB显卡显然属于第二种情况,MSRP比RTX 4080便宜了200美元,换算成人民币的话便宜了1400元,这个幅度可以说相当地优惠。毕竟大家都知道,摩尔定律除了晶体管数量提升之外,也包括价格的下降。
从上面的表格里可以看到,RTX 5090 D相比RTX 4090 D在规格方面有了较大幅度的提升,发售时官方建议零售价(MSRP)也更高了,面向的是发烧级DIY爱好者和PC游戏玩家。需要说明一点,针对国内市场发售的RTX 5090 D与RTX 5090存在一些差异,唯一的区别是AI性能,从RTX 5090的3352 AI TOPS降至RTX 5090 D的2375 AI TOPS,...
从上面的表格里可以看到,RTX 5090 D相比RTX 4090 D在规格方面有了较大幅度的提升,发售时官方建议零售价(MSRP)也更高了,面向的是发烧级DIY爱好者和PC游戏玩家。需要说明一点,针对国内市场发售的RTX 5090 D与RTX 5090存在一些差异,唯一的区别是AI性能,从RTX 5090的3352 AI TOPS降至RTX 5090 D的2375 AI TOPS,...