这两款对应的RTX 50系列产品都将在明年1月发布,这意味着将有1-2个月的空档期。 RTX 4070 Ti SUPER方面,消息称这个月内基本就能清完。而RTX 4070 SUPER、RTX 4070则预计只供应到12月,AIC品牌的库存预计能坚持到1月底。这三款对应的RTX 50系列显卡预计将于明年2月份发布,这意味着RTX 5070 Ti将拥有3个月的...
此外,根据日本那边一家AIC的消息,RTX Pro系列工作站显卡和笔记本将会在5月份上市,但是只有旗舰型号,其他型号还得等到6月才能上市。 再来看看消费级显卡,根据Reddit用户记录,北美RTX5090的价格在缓慢下降,但是溢价依然很高,目前平均的售价在4000美元左右,折合人民币28,994元。有意思的是他记录的是Ebay的价格,也就是北美...
ps5 is roughly as good as rx 6700(non xt)/rtx2080/rx 7600/rtx 4060, ofc talking raw raster 4090 is at least 3x stronger, 5090 likely gonna be 4x stronger Ofc some games it will be bit more, some bit less, especially if we count in rt performance, at...
PowerSpec G235 Gaming PC; Intel Core i5 12th Gen 12400F 2.5GHz Processor; NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 8GB GDDR6;... 4.8 (141) Original price $999.99 Todays price $749.99 Add To List - Item: G235 Gaming PC SKU 592345 In Store OnlyOverview Section Overview No rating value Same page link...
few clicks away, im not the first to bring this up, the code only works on 4070 and up cards, this is a 4060 model.. why make people be disapointed right out of the gate for no reason thinking they get an extra free game w...
Is this behavior typical for the 4060 or just for me? The card is new, but it was bought from a person. I attached the logs to the topic. Attachments (CS 2) GPU-Z Sensor Log.txt 638.2 KB · Views: 35 (Surfing the Internet) GPU-Z Sensor Log.txt 830.2 KB · Views: 43 17193...
Almost the entire GeForce RTX 40-series "Ada" is eligible for the game bundle, with the exception of the RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 4060. So, this should include the RTX 4090, RTX 4080 SUPER, RTX 4080, RTX 4070 Ti SUPER, RTX 4070 Ti, RTX 4070 SUPER, and RTX 4070. The bundle is open...
值得一提的是,RTX4060Ti16GB已经在7月18日开卖,目前已有厂商的区域代理商到货,基础型号售价3899元,高端型号售价4299元,不过从实际销售的情况看,不是很多人买账,毕竟价格比有些RTX4070还贵。 1年前 英伟达发布图形卡geforce rtx 4070 英伟达发布了图形卡geforcertx4070,起价为4,799元,但一些经销商已经以低于...