国外Reddit 网友爆料了一张联想ThinkPad X1 Extreme G4 游戏本的配置图,显示该机将搭载英伟达 RTX 3080 Super 和 RTX 3070 Super 显卡。 从图中可以看出,联想ThinkPad X1 Extreme G4 游戏本将搭载英特尔 11 代酷睿标压处理器,显卡有四个版本可选,其中包含未曾公布的 RTX 3080 Super 和 RTX 3070 Super 显卡。
黄仁勋仅通过一场在家里厨房提前录好的发布会,就让当晚几乎所有的DIY玩家为之疯狂:发布会首发RTX 3090,RTX 3080与RTX 3070,三款卡中定位最低的RTX 3070,性能都能超越上代旗舰RTX 2080 Ti,而且它只卖3899元。一夜之间,各种关于20系显卡的梗满天飞:“2080收2080 Ti”、“早上买(RTX 20),中午用,晚上气死”,不...
I hope there's a greater increase in performance than that [GA102/103/104 (3080ti/3080/3070)], they're about 20% short of what I'd like to see in terms of what I thought could be possible/expected based on all the talk of 50% more performance at half the power (due to di...
在Reddit上就有人提供了信息,称当地最大的零售商之一已经在出售微星GeForce RTX 3080 Ti SUPRIM X显卡了,价格约为3500美元。其员工还通过WhatsApp发送信息,通知感兴趣的买家已可以出售。据爆料者表示,这种情况在当地比较常见,此前GeForce RTX 3070/RTX 3060 Ti/RTX 3060都曾有这样的情况,在正式发布前就私底下...
-0.32 % XRP $ 2.15 -0.81 % XLM $ 0.3512 -1.23 % RTX 3060 Ti, 3070, 3070 Ti & 3080 Prices To Tank?-[hardware] 12:01 PM EDT - Apr,29 2023 -post a comment RTX 3060 Ti, 3070, 3070 Ti & 3080 Prices To Tank? Should AMD Skip The 7800 XT? April Q&A [Part 2]...
I'm retrying this with RTX 4070 instead of 3070 on 1709 but no success. The earlierst driver supporting the 4070 is DCH only already (531.41). This seems to change some file structures. (the nv_desktop inf file is missing now etc.) The same hex tweaks don't work anymore...
On the GPU side, the 2022 SCARs top at Nvidia RTX 3070Ti 8GB and 3080Ti 16GB graphics running at up to 150W of power with Dynamic Boost (125W base + up to 25W Boost), so higher than the 130W (115 + 15 Boost) limit on the previous generations. ...
For the GPU, Asus offers three options for the Zephyrus G15: 3060 (GA503Q), 3070 (GA503QR), and 3080 (GA503QS), all Max-Q. The 14-inch model only gets previous-gen GTX 1650 50W chips on the lower model, an RTX 3060 65W Max-Q (GA401Q) on the mainstream configurations. ...