Gigabyte's GeForce RTX 3070 Gaming OC is a factory-overclocked custom-design variant of the GeForce RTX 3070. It comes with a large power limit increase, and temperatures are still much better than with the NVIDIA RTX 3070 Founders Edition.
Gigabyte's GeForce RTX 3070 Gaming OC is a factory-overclocked custom-design variant of the GeForce RTX 3070. It comes with a large power limit increase, and temperatures are still much better than with the NVIDIA RTX 3070 Founders Edition.
这真很尴尬,你们喜欢照抄TechpowerUp的评测,觉得一本正经的洋大人拽英文很权威,但w1zzard一样要犯错,例如在 GeForce RTX 3080 首发评测,赶工瞎蒙错得一塌糊涂的 Circuit Board Analysis 环节: 但人家几个月后测其他RTX 30系...
4060好 RTX 4060是英伟达推出的一款中端显卡。根据TechPowerUp的评测结果,在1080p游戏测试中,RTX 4060(OC 版)的性能与RTX 2080相当,这意味着它能够提供出色的游戏性能,并能够在高分辨率下流畅运行大多数游戏。同时,它也略微胜过同价位的AMD竞品显卡RX 7600以及自家上一代的RTX 3060。这对于那些寻...
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 PCI-Express
但是,根据TechPowerUp测试了25款游戏,这张微星GeForce RTX 4080 Super Expert显卡的游戏表现和公版RTX 4080 Super没什么差距,甚至部分游戏还被公版RTX 4080给反杀了,比如赛博朋克2077中,1080P分辨率下,公版RTX 4080比微星GeForce RTX 4080 Super Expert强1.58 %;4K分辨率下,公版RTX 4080比微星GeForce RTX 4080 Sup... 因为软件里tRAS最低36,在dump里直接改对应的16进制数降到了35。 建议一项一项改,改完了跑TM5 的anta777 extreme,有问题就放宽时序。 最后的结果: 本人解锁了BIOS改了一些模式,操作在之前的专栏里 ...
技嘉科技-全球頂尖主機板、顯示卡和硬體解決方案製造商,隆重推出最新一代GeForceRTX 3080 Ti與GeForceRTX 3070 Ti系列顯示卡。兩款顯示晶片都有推出多款風冷散熱方案,期待符合每一種消費者的需求。AORUS推薦給追求極致效能與炫彩外觀的頂級玩家。GAMING OC是針對主流電競玩家的需求所設計。VISION OC是以典雅外觀為訴求的...
The Techpowerup review made the choice even easier, with this card having the lowest temps, easily beating the Founders Edition. While benchmarking the temps matched the review values very closely however with Stable Diffusion the temps went higher but not by much.Since I use Stable Diffusion ...