RTX2070 NVAPP超分辨率 DLSS4(K)VS DLSS2 死亡搁浅导演剪辑版 1062 1 06:21 App 【游戏美术】心灵杀手2道具武器载具(Alan Wake 2) 3585 0 03:30:58 App 3060 Laptop:2k、1080p全低、中预设下DLSS3与DLSS4及DLSS各档设置的画面效果和对比 3.0万 18 06:43 App 鸣潮DLSS3&光线追踪性能测试 1.3万 5 ...
The video below does show my i9 9900K/RTX 2070 system making use of Quick Sync. It is more on par with your system. For some people selecting no input for audio has helped. Test out your Intel system with Quick Sync and let us know the results. Votes 1 Upvote Translate T...
cpu占用30%-80%。直白点说就是i7 5775c和现在主流的12400f拉不出差距。4k游戏画质最高,都能在100...
It took Nvidia a long while to put the Turing RTX architecture inside laptops, but that has changed as of January 2019, and a plethora of gaming notebooks based on RTX graphics is available in stores these days. We’ve covered each important launch is separate dedicated articles, with in-de...
You knew a GTX 2070 Max-Q laptop generally wasn’t as powerful as a standard GTX 2070 laptop. Now it’s more of a crapshoot unless you perform extensive research on specific models beforehand. For its part, Nvidia is encouraging—but, notably, notrequiring—its laptop partners to list the...
I don’t have the exact numbers for a proper comparison, though, since I’ve only tested the RTX 2070 Super configuration of the 2020 Scar 15. I will try to get my hands on a 2021 RTX 3070 Scar 15, I’m curious how those two fare against each other. vs 2021 Scar 17 I’m ...
There is no doubt that for regular Gaming for 99.8% of all of the rest of PC Games a 5700 or 5700XT are great choices vs a 2060 (as they are 2070 competition). I know that using a 5700 I get 144+ FPS in Division 2, TitanFall 2, Shadow of War, ...
对于NV的股价持续低迷, 73951225 显卡吧 凌稷凯 本人在8月2号把铭瑄 RTX 2070s 风送去售后 到8月14送来发现显卡完全没修过 查上电脑还是来不了机,于是8月15再次把显卡送去售后,现在她们说没有芯片修不了要换只能换3060 铭瑄那边说公司只同意 铭瑄RTX 2070s 风换3060 我说要换2080或者3060ti那边就不同意 ...
GPU wise, the 3070 Laptop 115W ends up roughly 10-12% faster than the 115W version of the 2070 Super, both overclocked with ROG Boost. I was expecting more, especially since the 3070 can go up to 130W in 3DMark. We also ran some tests on the Silent profile, if you’re interested...
Update:Here’s our full review of the 2021 Zephyrus G15, covering both the 3070 and 3080 models, and here’s ourreview of the 2021 Zephyrus G14, covering the 3050Ti and 3060 configurations. That aside,here’s also our comparison of the Zephyrus G14, G15, and M16 models in this gener...