As in step (1) this time search for ".vtt" and directly copy the link "" (you don't have to download it) add both links to your in your text editor and save as .m3u playlist (e.g. play.m3u) . Like this; ... https:...
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今年,为扩大戏剧节的影响力,主办方联合西班牙最大的公共媒体机构Radiotelevisión Espaola (中文名:西班牙国家公共广播公司,简称RTVE),对戏剧节每日活动进行全方位转播和实况报道,包括现场多点气氛直播、观众现场采访、每日戏剧实况转播、杂志风格的专题直播报道以及晚间专题广播节目等等。同时,为了增强转播效果,提升观众的临场...
今年,为扩大戏剧节的影响力,主办方联合西班牙最大的公共媒体机构Radiotelevisión Española (中文名:西班牙国家公共广播公司,简称RTVE),对戏剧节每日活动进行全方位转播和实况报道,包括现场多点气氛直播、观众现场采访、每日戏剧实况转播、杂志风格的专题直播报道以及晚间专题广播节目等等。同时,为了增强转播效果,提升观众的...
Thanks to Radio Televisión Española, RTVE ( (accessed on 24 July 2023)), the Spanish Public Broadcast Corporation, and the RTVE Chair at the University of Zaragoza (Cátedra RTVE de la Universidad de Zaragoza: ( (accessed on 24 July 2023)...
The RTVE-UGR Chair in deep speech synthesis and conversational AI and its applications in news verification (, accessed on 23 October 2024) is a collaboration between the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE) and the University of Granada (UGR), with the ...