frompwnimport* debug =0local =0host =""port =9999filename ="./pwn"defbuy(index, data): p.sendlineafter(b'option: ',b'b') p.sendlineafter(b'Which one you want to bye: ',b't') p.sendlineafter(b': ',f'{index}'.encode()) p.sendlineafter(b': ', data) p =...
Copy importzlibdefdecompress_zlib_file(input_filename, output_filename):withopen(input_filename,'rb')ascompressed_file: compressed_data = decompressed_data = zlib.decompress(compressed_data)withopen(output_filename,'wb')asoutput_file: output_file.write(decompressed_data)# ...
04:57:52 kernel: wl0: random key value: 557D9CA145717AA907C403230028FD4C38734B844319053F8DEF...
So too has self-determination been one of the most longstanding demands of indigenous communities. But it has beencontinually demotedin favour of wellbeing, mental health and the need to ‘heal’. Instead, indigenous people have been transformed into objects, supposedly limited in their capacities ...
Weapons sent by the Obama administration to so-called ‘moderate’ anti-government forces in Syria instead fell into Al-Nusra jihadists’ hands, according to a US-trained rebel and fixer in Aleppo.
还能跨网击球? 金秀贤粉丝和他一样嘴硬 没找到不收费,马来西亚政府批准马航370航班残骸搜寻协议 (北京青年报) 比亚迪放大招,解锁全球最快充电速度 腾讯:中国的科技公司在芯片上的花费比西方同行少 但并不定会削弱正在发展的技术 DeepSeek的成功就是一种象征丨一手 打开APP阅读更多精彩内容...
从它的一点一滴中就可体现金碳的爱是陪伴,它就在门边墙角像守候鸭肉干一样守候着泰亨,就像在床垫和被子上和电视前的位置,是在海边沙滩的散步和远途车上的酣睡金碳的爱的成长,是从脚边小小的欢快倒腾四肢的小鼻嘎变成了 ...展开全文c 动图 动图 动图 动图 动图 ...
import base64 def rc4_main(key = "init_key", message = "init_message"): print("RC4解密主函数调用成功") print('\n') s_box = rc4_init_sbox(key) crypt = rc4_excrypt(message, s_box) return crypt def rc4_init_sbox(key): s_box = list(range(256)) print("原来的 s 盒:%s" %...
Men may be dying disproportionately from Covid-19, but apparently the really important issue is that males are ‘stealing’ up to three hours of sleep from their weary female partners.
One speech, well written and read well, does not a president make. At the end of the day, the Democrats are putting forward a wolf in sheep’s clothes, who is peddling the same worn-out lies disguised as new promises.