This includes, but is not limited to, use of a wide-band multi-channel RTTY decoder, DX cluster, DX spotting web sites (e.g., DX Summit), local or remote call sign and frequency decoding technology (e.g., RTTY Skimmer or Reverse Beacon Network), or operating arrangements involving ...
A RTTY skimmer is a station that is monitoring RTTY signals and running software that enables it to identify stations calling CQ on RTTY. The RTTY skimmer station can then spot CQ stations to the Packetcluster system. If you are a Run station, it’s advantageous to have your call spotted ...
V.比赛分数:A.分数:最终分数取决于所有QSO的分数乘以通联到的呼号前缀之和。B.QSO分数:被通联过的一个电台只在每个波段记录一次分数。1.与不同大洲之间的电台通联时,计分规则为3分(28兆赫,21 兆赫,14兆赫)和6分(7兆赫,3.5兆赫)2.与在同一大洲的电台通联但不同国家时,计分规则为2分(28 兆赫,...
这包括了但又不限于一个大带宽的RTTY 解码 器,DX cluster,SPOT 网站(例如:DX Summit),本地或使用远程遥控呼号和 频率解码技术(例如:RTTY Skimmer 或 Reverse Beacon Network),又或者有 其他人参与的辅助操作。 X.适用于所有参赛组别的通用规则: A.参赛者必须遵守所选组别的规定,否则会影响他们的最终分数。 B...