import RtspServer from 'rtsp-streaming-server' const server = new RtspServer({ serverPort: 5554, clientPort: 6554, rtpPortStart: 10000, rtpPortCount: 10000 }); async function run (): void { try { await server.start(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } run(); If you're usi...
一、首先是本地监听的建立:StartServer() -> -->QTSServer::Initialize() --->QTSServer::CreateListeners() //函数中根据本地xml配置文件中的rtsp_port进行监听的建立 -->QTSServer::StartTasks() //开启Socket读取 具体函数在: QTSServer::CreateListeners() { … newListenerArray[curPortIndex] = NEW ...
任何处理RTSP Preprocessor角色的模块对客户端进行响应,都会导致服务器跳过注册了RTSP Preprocessor角色的所有其它模块,以及跳过注册了其它RTSP角色的所有模块,并且立即调用响应模块的RTSP Postprocessor角色。 如果没有RTSP Preprocessor角色对RTSP的请求进行响应,则服务器就以RTSP Request(请求)角色调用成功注册了该角色的模块...
可以通过访问http://ip:1220/来进入管理界面 默认的资源文件夹在/usr/local/movies,将流媒体文件放入此目录,就可以通过 rtsp://ip/文件名 来访问了 windows下面推荐用vlc player来测试流媒体……绿色软件,啧啧,比quicktime和realplayer好多了 不是所有的视频文件都可以用Darwin来Streaming,根据FAQ,它只支持 QuickTime...
I'm using Esp32-p4 ev board in that can i add the features for esp-rtsp as a client.with that if i set the ip address it should connect the live stream in rtsp..the streaming will comes form different module with rtsp.
to convey, the benefits that the reliability of the streaming server, enhanced by the RTSP control messages sent from the client to minimize the latency time to wait for the process within the operating system buffer of the streaming server reduces the response time of the streaming server have...
I'm running a simple node.js server using rtsp-streaming-server code. Server configuration: this.server = new RtspServer({ serverPort: 5554, clientPort: 6554, rtpPortStart: 10_000, rtpPortCount: 10_000, }); when the code starts, the rtsp server boots up, and also an ffmpeg process ...
About to start a streaming server with RTSP and gstreamer on ubuntu 18.04 on the jetson nano Autonomous Machines Jetson & Embedded Systems Jetson Nano rtsp 在话题中显示帖子 首页 类别 准则 服务条款 隐私政策 由Discourse 提供技术支持,启用 JavaScript 以获得最佳体验Copyr...
Streaming Server,a lot of optimization on streaming relay,KeyFrame cache,RESTful,and web management,also EasyDarwin support distributed load balancing,a simple streaming media cloud platform architecture.高性能开源RTSP流媒体服务器,基于Darwin Streaming Server 维护和优化:RTSP转发、关键帧缓存、秒开画面......