Ultimate camera streaming application with support RTSP, RTMP, HTTP-FLV, WebRTC, MSE, HLS, MP4, MJPEG, HomeKit, FFmpeg, etc. 支持各种流媒体协议的处理工具。这是一个用 Go 语言编写的库,支持 RTSP、WebRTC、HomeKit、FFmpeg、RTMP 等视频流协议的处理。在 FFMPEG
代码实现 @Override public void run() { //拉流的rtsp链接 String inputFile=rtspUrl; //推流rtmp String outputFile=rtmpUrl; //推流rtmp2 String rtmpUrl2=""; String host=""; String host2=""; int port=1935; int port2=1936; long startTime1=0; try { //检测端口情况,...
examples Add rtsp_client for testing ghost exec process Jun 6, 2024 internal Change go version to 1.20 for Windows 7 support Sep 1, 2024 pkg Fix RTSP AAC audio from very buggy noname camera AlexxIT#1328 Sep 5, 2024 scripts Change go version to 1.20 for Windows 7 support Sep 1, 2024 ...
sample Azure model: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-video-analyzer/video-analyzer-docs/track-objects-live-video We are working on an Azure video analyzer. when we try working testing in live RTSP URL…
First, pressAltbutton and go toFile > Open URLoption. Now, simply enter RTSP connection string and play it. You will be able to view the RTSP stream with basic playback control. Although its a convenient RTSP viewer for Windows, it is not an ideal one. During testing, it was not able...
On Unix this is less of an issue, and I have not tested Windows 8 however according tothisMSDN page there might be some changes there; however what I wanted to get at is that if you experience weird issues with Udp test on your local system, while also testing from your local system....
one POST for upgoing commands, and one GET for downloaded video. Thanks to TAsynchServer, it can handle thousands on concurrent streams, with minimal resources, in a cross-platform way. This unit illustrates use of TAsynchConnections, on both Windows and Linux. See "Sample 34 - RTSP ove...
> Start streaming. YouTube > Create > Go live > Stream latency: Ultra low-latency > Copy: Stream URL + Stream key.Module: APIThe HTTP API is the main part for interacting with the application. Default address: http://localhost:1984/....
> Start streaming. YouTube > Create > Go live > Stream latency: Ultra low-latency > Copy: Stream URL + Stream key.Module: APIThe HTTP API is the main part for interacting with the application. Default address: http://localhost:1984/....