地球-Rite RTR测试器操作指南说明书 Earth -Rite RTR Tester Operating Instructions EN ®READ MANUAL BEFORE COMMENCING WITH INSTALLATION Gale Newson Leading the way in hazardous area static control ®
Research Test Reactors (RTR) by their design and purpose are often co-located within college or university campuses. This makes them a challenge to secure in such an open environment, while concurrently providing access to those who need to use them for research and testing. One such RTR, ...
ASTMfortriaxialtestingofrocksamples OptionalTemperaturecontrolto200°C. DESCRIPTION TheGCTSRapidTriaxialRockTestSystemisa closed-loopdigitallyservocontrolledapparatus developedforaccuratelyperformingeasyandquick triaxialandunconfinedtestsonrockspecimens.In addition,thesystemisalsocapableofperforming ...
A tool for deploying and testing network routers in the cloud. ansiblejuniperciscodocker-composebgpterraformtest-automationtesting-toolsnokiarpkialcatel-lucentrtr UpdatedSep 23, 2021 Shell WE 3D(webGPU engine 3D) enginepbr3dwebgpurtrwe3d UpdatedJan 26, 2025 ...
为了避免这种资源的浪费,许多GPU都会在pixel shader前进行一些merge testing。用z-depth测试可见性,如果需要隐藏,那么cull掉这个fragment,这个功能就叫early-z。Pixel shader可以改变fragment的z-depth或者完全discard掉fragment,如果发现在pixel shader program中存在这些操作,那么就会关闭early-z的功能,这一般会降低管线效率...
Nuclear testing The Chernobyl nuclear disaster The grand opening of the Trans Siberian Railway Wonderful performances from The Bolshoi and Mariinsky Ballet The Moscow Arts Theatre in 1902 featuring the world famous Constantin Stanislavski Musical concerts from the greatest classical composers such as...
了解一些美式车的朋友可能会知道Mustang有着一个高性能版本-Shelby,他有着辉煌的历史和强大的性能,但是大多数人不知道在美国你可以选择的还有RTR,这个Ford官方授权的改装厂。 他的作者Vaughn Gittin Jr起初只是参加了福特野马的锦标赛,他觉得大家的野马都长的千篇一律,缺乏时尚的元素和新颖的设计,于是他便自己设计打造...
With our crew so used to testing 1.9″ rigs, we had to take some time to get used to that big 2.2″ wheel/tire combo on the GOM. The larger tires make it easy to blast over some sections that leave rigs with smaller tires hung up. ...
用alpha blending跟alpha testing可以做很多效果,比如树叶的渲染效果,爆炸等。 还有一种纹理相关的效果就是贴花(decaling)。 凹凸贴图(Bump Mapping) 这些一种使得模型外观更具细节感的做法。 对于需要渲染一些具有凹凸不平的表面、皱纹表面,可以考虑使用这种方式。这是一种修改法线来影响表面感知的一种方式,这种方式不...