RTCP为RTP媒体流提供信道外(out-of-band)控制。RTCP本身并不传输数据,但和RTP一起协作将多媒体数据打包和发送。RTCP定期在流多媒体会话参加者之间传输控制数据。RTCP的主要功能是为RTP所提供的服务质量(Quality of Service)提供反馈。 RTCP收集相关媒体连接的统计信息,例如:传输字节数,传输分组数,丢失分组数,jitter,...
RTCP本身并不传输数据,但和RTP一起协作将多媒体数据打包和发送。RTCP定期在流多媒体会话参加者之间传输控制数据。RTCP的主要功能是为RTP所提供的服务质量(Quality of Service)提供反馈。 RTCP收集相关媒体连接的统计信息,例如:传输字节数,传输分组数,丢失分组数,jitter,单向和双向网络延迟等等。网络应用程序可以利用RTCP...
The main aspect that was still missing from RTP was the capability to manage internal Quality of Service (QoS - see Section 2.1) parameters, such as power consumption, memory allocation, etc. The two goals of this thesis are: Main: enrich RTP, both from the architectural and implementative ...
在RTP协议中,数据流被分割成非常小的数据包,每个数据包称为RTP帧。这些帧被分配了不同的序列号和时间戳,以确保它们在接收端被正确地重组和播放。RTP协议也通过提供QoS(Quality of Service)措施来保证数据的传输质量,例如网络拥塞控制和错误纠正。除了RTP帧本身,RTP还包括一些扩展功能,例如SIP(Sess...
of our one-hour movie example, this means that the client can request a movie file and watch a "live" feed similar to how one would watch a TV. Along with this "on demand" type service,RTSPalso enables the delivery of live broadcast content that would not be possible with traditional ...
RTCP主要功能是RTP提供的服务质量(Quality of Service)提供反馈。 RTCP收集传输字节数、传输分组数、丢失分组数等相关媒体连接的统计信息,jitter,单向和双向网络延迟等。可以使用网络应用程序RTCP提供的信息试图提高服务质量,如限制信息流量或使用压缩小的编解码器。RTCP不提供数据加密或身份认证。SRTCP可用于此类用途。
RTCP为RTP媒体流提供信道外(out-of-band)控制。RTCP本身并不传输数据,但和RTP一起协作将多媒体数据打包和发送。RTCP定期在流多媒体会话参加者之间传输控制数据。RTCP的主要功能是为RTP所提供的服务质量(Quality of Service)提供反馈。 RTCP收集相关媒体连接的统计信息,例如:传输字节数,传输分组数,丢失分组数,jitter,...
RTCP的主要功能是为RTP所提供 的服务质量(Quality of Service)提供反馈。RTCP收集相关媒体连接的统计信息...
This document defines RTP, consisting of two closely-linked parts: [1].The real-time transport protocol (RTP), to carry data that has real-time properties. [2]. The RTP control protocol (RTCP), to monitor the quality of service and to convey information about the participants in an on-...
For more information on thebandwidthandprioritycommands, refer toComparing the bandwidth and priority Commands of a QoS Service Policy. Enable LLQ: Apply the Policy Map to the Outbound WAN Interface These commands explain how to complete this task: ...