Disaster Recovery Time in a Nutshell If a catastrophe strikes that requires recovery from backup media, most people will first ask: “How long until we can get up and running?” That’s an important question, but not the only time-oriented problem that you face. Additionally, and perhaps mo...
In today’s hectic world thе vаѕt mаjоrіtу оf people find thаt they spend most оf their dауѕ constantly runnіng аrоund trуіng to gеt еvеrуthіng dоnе at wоrk. Wіth so muсh to do аnd ѕuсh little time to dо іt in,...
The next thing would be to get enough food and water (with the latter being much more important) to ensure that you have the energy you need. Running a start-up in the new year can be challenging, but the right preparations can guarantee success. Image:https://pixabay.com/photos/whiteboa...
We took a closer look to see if there were any patterns to these orders, and if these patterns followed aModus Operandiand we discovered a few interesting insights. Here’s what we found out: Customer error (Intent is there butincomplete address, phone number, etc) ...
on the same IIS server that is hosting web frontend of the sharepoint server. This website should not require authentication. Instead of monitoring sharepoint running on port 80, Traffic Manager profile would have to be appropriately configured based on the port on which the dummy website has...
Reinstalling LILO is usually a matter of running /sbin/lilo. You may wish to edit /etc/lilo.conf to specify an entry for your old kernel image (say, /vmlinux.old) in case the new one does not work. See the LILO docs for more information. After reinstalling LILO, you should be all...
Instead of monitoring sharepoint running on port 80, Traffic Manager profile would have to be appropriately configured based on the port on which the dummy website has been hosted Microsoft Exchange OWA If you have setup Outlook Web Access (OWA) for your Exchange server, it is usually access...
Capable and efficient tech, such as laptops, are now an essential part of running any business. With a countless range of business operations completed using digital processes, laptops are great for allowing for the collection of accurate data and stats, quick calculations, instant communications, ...